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Looking over at the door, Naya could see a sliver of Glameow, and she widened her eyes at the familiar sight. "Missy? Please, come in! There's no need to shy away from us. Besides, we still have some prepping to do." Chuckling awkwardly, seeing as her first thought was the Showcase, the Persian managed a face palm with her cat-like form. "I mean, not at the moment, but- at some point. I'll give you time to meet all of us again and everything." Naya sat down on her spot on the floor, fixing her flower crown with a flick of her ear, a large smile present on her face.
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"See, Missy? Nothing to worry about! Except for Goldie. He bites."

Icarus was overjoyed that the others seemed to take Missy's arrival well. Rather than anger or guilt, the room's overall atmosphere was one of a fresh new start. It was, for lack of a better term, refreshing. He finished his muffin and waved Missy over. "Do you want me to take your plate for you? Or are you all set on carrying things?" Icarus asked in a calm tone of voice, closing the door slowly with his psychic.
"Speaking of absence, where is my bodygua- Err, Helia? She seemed like a real gem."

Icarus' ears stuck snapped up at the mention of Helia. Again, his emotions tried to seize control of his mind. Fighting them back, he responded. "H-Helia... left. She had to go..." He told Missy, still hating everything about the Helia subject. "She'll be back though!" He added in with a sort of fake smile.

Icarus' ears fell back to their standard position as he noticed Missy... blushing. When you've blushed as many times as he has in his life, then it's quite easy to spot in others. He decided not to mention it, but there was a chance that he may have been staring a little too long at her. Realizing the possibility of this, he darted his head towards the plate of berries. He levitated a strange berry that looked like a pine cone closer to himself. There was a tag on it, so he read it. "Petaya Berry: Sour, Sweet," he muttered to himself before increasing his volume to speak to everyone in the room. "Okay. I believe there's another one of these in this pile if anyone else wants to try one, but first.... hey, Syv! You know stuff about food and cooking. Would you like to try this one? Tell us what you think of it? If not, you don't have to, but you seem to be into cooking, so maybe experimentation could be a good thing, right guys?"

Thrilled that everyone was getting along, Icarus snorted with laughter, but covered his mouth when he realized how strange it sounded. Of course, as it was in Icarus' nature, a soft blush appeared on his face. How many points do you have over me now, Universe? I think it's enough for the Mercy Rule to apply, right? Icarus thought sarcastically to himself.
"Eight hundred and one" Violet deadpanned. "That's how many points that the universe has- and Icarus, one point, ONE" She said, then turned to Missy. "Right, new starting. Ahem. Hello! I'm Violet or Vio for short! Pleased to meet you" She said, extending a paw to Missy for her to shake.

Goldie lowered his head and stalked to Missy. He crouched down in front of her and watched her, his jaws opening slightly. "Oh, um, that's Goldie..." He heard his mother say, wariness in her voice.

Freddy went over to Icarus and tried to jump on his back, but due to his paw getting fractured, he yelped and fell back, whimpering.
Icarus let out a loud sigh accompanied by a sweatdrop when Violet had managed to not only read his mind, but answer the question he had asked himself in painfully truthful detail. He put the Petaya Berry on the bed next to Syvery. "Gee, thanks Vio. What would I do witho-" He started to speak sarcastically before Freddy yelped in pain.

Icarus' attention zoned in on him. "Freddy! Are you okay? Here, I gotcha!" Icarus said, surprised by the sudden yelp from the silver Eevee child.

Using a sudden burst of psychic strength, he cautiously lifted him onto his back. "You'll be fine, I'll make sure of it," Icarus whispered to Freddy, still a bit frazzled by the yelp. He turned to Violet with a look of concern on his face. "Do I need to call Abigail. I'm sure I can find some way to get her in here if needed, unless it isn't that serious of a problem." Icarus said, the worry in his voice not fading all the way, but not as evident as it normally would've been.

He used the ash-colored tip of his fluffy tail to rub Freddy's paw gently, turning his attention now to Goldie, who was in a predatory stance and staring at Missy. He walked inconspicuously in front of her, just in case. If anyone was going to be bitten or attacked by Goldie, he would rather it be him than somebody else. Even if he got hurt, he wasn't about to let Goldie bite anyone, especially when that someone was a guest. He smiled at Missy, also shot a quick smile at Naya, then turned back to Violet.
"No you don't, remember, he has a fractured paw after Sylvery accidently pushed him too hard" She said, sharply-almost glaring- at Icarus. "I think you should move out the way, don't assume that Goldie wants to bite everyone he sees" Violet hissed at Icarus venomously, her eyes now glaring daggers at him.

Goldie sat down and glared sharply at Icarus, then lunged forward and bit his paw, instantly letting go and hiding under Missy.

Freddy watched Goldie with hatred, he was injured, but somebody had to show him who's boss.
Icarus backed away timidly from Violet's scarily venomous glare, but not before Goldie could sink his teeth into his paw. He winced in pain as Goldie ran under Missy, shaking his paw wildly. "I would've apologized, Goldie. That hurt! Am I really that bad? Why do you keep biting me? I'm sorry for whatever it is that I've done... and I'm sorry for assuming, Vio..." He said timidly, now under a table with Freddy still on his back.

He shook his bitten paw once more to soothe the sting. Goldie's teeth were deceptively sharp, much like how Goldie himself seemed deceptively violent towards Icarus. He even warmed up to Missy almost instantly, it seemed. His ears and tail drooped as he thought more and more about why Goldie seemed to favor others above him, his own for-now father... but he still had Freddy. He smiled sadly at Freddy in a shoddy attempt to calm him down, make him less angry at his brother. Icarus did that for a few seconds before his face decided to stop smiling, and he simply lay down under the table on his stomach.
"Don't worry, he'll warm up to you some day" Violet assured Icarus, her sharp glare turning into a calm gaze. "Well, I would repeatedly bite you if you landed on me-squishing me-, took my top hat AND repeatedly pat me on the head" Violet said, her eye lids drooping out of boredom.

That.was.it. Freddy jumped off Icarus' back and stormed over to Goldie, grabbed him by the tail and started pulling him towards Icarus. Even after Goldie sunk his deadly sharp teeth into his back, he kept on pulling him.

The golden Eevee squirmed in Freddy's surprisingly strong grasp. He tried biting him, scratching him and even failing around, but it was no use.
"Woah, woah, Freddy! Goldie! Calm down, you two! No fighting!" Icarus scolded, standing back up.

Freddy and Goldie were fighting. Oh Arceus, Freddy and Goldie were fighting! Well, it was more like Goldie was fighting Freddy, who was simply dragging him along, but nonetheless, Icarus was very worried for both of their sakes. Freddy seemed determined to drag Goldie over to him, but Goldie relentlessly thrashed about, biting and scratching the poor silver Eevee. Icarus felt afraid, not of them, but for them. "Y-you two, stop that! I don't want either of you hurting each other! Please!" He told them, the scene quickly descending into chaos.

I just hope this doesn't scare away anyone... wait a sec! Icarus had an idea. He focused on using his psychic powers on separating the two Eevees. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused. It was a power struggle, and to Icarus' dismay, the children were winning. Icarus' collar shone brilliantly with magenta light before said light fizzled out, leaving Icarus exhausted and the children still doing what they were doing. He flopped back down onto the ground, panting from exhaustion.

When they set their minds to it, the kids are really strong... I need more practice...
Icarus thought to himself as he fought to stay awake.
Freddy hissed when Goldie managed to scratch his cheek. He instantly dropped the golden Eevee and sent him flying into the wall. With another hiss, Freddy waited in a predatory stance for his bitey brother.

Goldie growled and stood up like nothing happened, slowly walking towards Freddy. Without another heartbeat, he lunged at Freddy, pinning him to the ground. Goldie's claws dug into Freddy's shoulders, a bit of blood started seeping out of the wound.

Violet instantly stood up and jumped doff the bed, but some force held her down, well, more like ice. Clumps of ice made its way around her paws, preventing her from moving any closer. She then realised that Freddy managed to hit the ground and sent ice towards her.
"I... Said... ENOUGH!"

Icarus' collar shone once again, brighter than before, as he levitated about an inch above the ground. Various items throughout the room shook violently, ranging from a pillow, to some of the berries, to even the table that Icarus was under. The two children were severely injuring each other, and it needed to stop.

One last ditch effort! One more try!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to physically separate the two Eevee's. Instead, he tried to protect the others in the room first. Violet, also possessing psychic powers, didn't need much protecting in Icarus' book. He moved some extra pillows in front of the others and kept them there. He was struggling to keep control of his psychic. He felt himself getting more and more tired. Still trying to stay strong, Icarus tried to shatter the ice that kept Violet imprisoned in place, but only managed to crack it.

His powers gave way, and Icarus tumbled back onto the ground, very dizzy from over-use of his powers. He muttered "I'm so sorry" before passing out on the ground underneath the table. The objects that Icarus had moved around, shook, and levitated all succumbed to gravity once more. The pillow barriers that he made had loosened in fortification, but still stood somewhat. He had failed to separate the two, and horrified by the blood spilled between the two brothers, made one final push with all of his remaining strength... to no avail. His breathing became wheezing as he lay on the ground, unable to act.
Violet had about enough, her eyes glowed bright red- she was using psychic. Without another word, she lifted Goldie off Freddy and separated the two. "Goldie, Freddy, that was....AWFUL! DONT DO THAT!" She shouted, accidently shaking the two Eevee that hung helplessly in her psychic grasp. She set them down and heated her body up, melting the ice that coated her paws. Violet make her way to Icarus, dropping the two Eevee in disgust. She slowly propped him up with psychic, trying to lean him against her.

Freddy made his way to Icarus, not even noticing that he was injured some more. He sat down in front of the two and tilted his head in worry.

Goldie growled hatefully and sat down, cleaning all the blood off his fur. His claws slowly sunk back into his paws and his bloody form was now spotless, but you couldn't say the same about Freddy, the whole front of his body, including his stomach, was coated in the crimson red liquid.
I didn't ask for this!... I don't want them to get hurt!... I don't want them to die!... The blood... he was bleeding... I failed to stop them... Goldie, Freddy, I...

Icarus was slowly regaining consciousness, but he found himself unable to physically do anything. He had overworked himself. He managed to gain the ability to open his eyes just barely, and also to mumble syllables. "Vio... they... b-blood... are they... did..." he tried to speak, though his voice was slurred. He tried moving around, but that failed miserably. He could barely even twitch his ears, though he managed to twitch one ear once. With his limited vision, he could make out blurs of color and vague shapes. He saw a blob of golden yellow, which was probably Violet. There was a blob of gold, which was Goldie. Then there was a blob of silver with a lot of red splattered all over it... that had to be... Freddy. Icarus' eyes shot open and his breathing speed increased. He went into a mini state of panic. "Freh... Freddy!... F... Fred..." He tried to call out to the Eevee, but his voice faltered, as did his consciousness once again, as he closed his eyes once more.
"Oh, my... Oh, no..."

A feeling of light-headed-ness flushed over Naya as she staggered behind the bed, forehead up against the fluffy blankets, as she tried to calm herself down. As much as she wanted to help out in a situation like this, she couldn't, due to her weak stomach. She hates everything blood-related, so the Eevee childrens' fight was not making her feel comfortable in the slightest. Stomach twisting and turning, the Persian squeezed her eyes shut tightly, placing a paw on her stomach in an attempt to ease the pain. "I'm... so sorry... I... Oh, please, no! Don't let... them... No!" Naya managed to say, trying hard not to be physically sick.
It was then that Luna awoke thanks to a faint rumbling and slamming of objects from somewhere. She then gasped as a violent surge of psychic energy crept into her senses. "...Something's not right..." the Gardevoir floated down the hall, following the energy signature she had picked up. "Hello? Is everything alright? Hello?" she called out.
Syvery crept out from the bed and walked quietly over to Icarus. She sifted her way through the ice with her head down. She placed her paw upon Icarus for a moment and shook him, with no response. Syvery's collar shone a brilliant pink before turning into a pale white before the collar crumbled away into the dust. Even though the collar stopped glowing, Syvery didn't. The pink light enveloped her as ribbons appeared from her. The light spread across the room before it stopped. Syvery opened her eyes slowly. She looked at her paws, a bright pink color. Looking around, she saw her own feelers. She moved them around with a smile before she placed them onto Icarus and concentrated. The light in the room seemed to grow brighter as Syvery concentrated. Finally, she let it out, causing a bluish light that quickly turned green as it hit Icarus. She then nudged Icarus with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" She said before covering her mouth with her ribbons. Her voice was a bit higher pitched, suprising her. She gave a small sigh before stepping back.
Syvery had evolved into Sylveon.
(OOC: Thanks Hisseki! I'll also be updating Syvery's app for Sylveon info later)
Icarus felt a massive rush of lively energy flow through him, and his eyes shot open. He looked around and saw a not-so-okay Naya, a worried Violet, a bloodstained Freddy, a hatefully grumpy Goldie, and a - Sylveon? Must be one of the nurses. Icarus thought to himself. "Hey, miss... mister?... miss?...Is everything gonna be okay?" He asked the Sylveon groggily, having just woken up.

He stood up, but fell back into the leaning position he was in previously. He was a bit sore, but could move around if needed. He scanned the room once more, and noticed one thing in particular: Syvery wasn't there. He started to piece the puzzle together, and after a solid minute of contemplating, it hit him. He gasped and pointed at the Sylveon in the room. "Oh my goodness. Syvery! You... evolved?! Wow! That's amazing!" He said, less tired and more invigorated by the happy event that broke the sadness.

He looked with sad eyes once again at Freddy. Syvery had healed him, or so he assumed, and so he turned to her with a pleading - no, a begging expression. "Syv. Please fix Freddy! If you fixed me, you can fix him, right?" Icarus asked in a begging tone, almost entirely forgetting about the others in the room.
Luna nearly jumped by the sudden light. She followed the energy signal and rushed into the room, looking around and seeing two baby Eevee a Ninetales, a Sylveon, and other Pokemon. "What's going on? Is everything alright??" then she saw the blood. "....."
Syvery was a little overwhelmed so she backed off a little more. When the door had shot open, Syvery let out a yelp quickly running back under the bed. She couldn't hide as easily due to her bright colors so instead she covered herself with the blanket draping over the bed. In a quiet voice, Syvery said to Icarus, "I can but.. well.. can you bring him too me? I don't know this Gardevoir..." She was shaking from being overwhelmed and the burst of fear when the Gardevoir had but into the room.
She looked over to Freddy to see a large amount of blood, despite the wound not being so big.
Confused about the sudden light in the room, Naya looked up, only to have her eyes widen as opposed to squinting. "Whoa..." she breathed out, in awe that Syvery had just evolved. When Luna opened the door, she switched her gaze to face that direction. "Well, the children were fighting, and..." the Perian tried to respond, only to have another wave of nausea rush over her again. "Oh, help... Please..." Naya re-propped her forehead on the bed's side.
Luna nearly screamed at the sight of the red substance. She needed no more explanations. All she had to do was heal. She threw her arms out in front of her and closed her eyes. "I'm going to use Heal Pulse," she said before a bright and soothing aura engulfed her, then the children, then anyone else hurt. The pain and scars disappeared. The nausea vanished.
As Arduo spoke and haggled with the front desk, dumping a sufficient sum of money out before him to buy her way in, Lydia was forced to stand silently and stoically at his side. The moment he had left though, with hardly a goodbye, and as she was led through the resort gates, the enraged Pancham's anger finally shone through.

"Stupid resort. Stupid Arduo. Stupid, stupid Marcel- whoever she is- ARGH! What kinda powder-puff loser-factory is this? I'm supposed to be a pirate. I'm supposed to be feared, and that moron, that moron just left me here!" Lydia seethed, not so silently, fumbling along as she approached the main building with all of the rooms.

Deep down, she knew why she was here, but the last thing she'd ever do was admit it to herself. She was the weak link. She couldn't evolve, and she couldn't even win a fight against her trainer's rivals. That ditsy little Braixen had beaten her without even trying, even though Lydia had the type advantage. Still, it couldn't be all bad. The Pancham could train at the resort, make a few more enemies, and do her master proud. Even if it was probably a good thing being here, she wouldn't let her anger fizzle out now. Lydia kicked a rock, sending it soaring in an arc, and she watched with the slightest sense of dismay as it flew straight through a window a few floors up. The glass rained down almost comically, and her eyes followed the mess as it scattered on the ground just a little ways before her. In fact, she almost laughed, up until a resort staff Donphan plodded her way angrily. The ground type must have been watching her little tantrum.

"Hey! No causing deliberate damage to the resort unless you want to already get kicked out. Now, I have to get this cleaned up for the sake of a paycheck, and can't rough you up myself for fear of getting fired. I suggest you go apologize to the room you just disrupted, but so help me Arceus, if it's not sincere, you're out of here."

Lydia quirked an eyebrow, arms crossed, and stance about as menacing as a 1'5'' Pokemon can try and be. Thinking long and hard about the situation, she mumbled, as she rolled her eyes.

"What room number?"

After the ordeal with the Donphan, Lydia headed upstairs in search of this supposed room 120. Apparently a Ninetales and Flareon were staying there, and she blanched in disgust at the thought of more Pokemon who were bigger and more-evolved than her. Not so gently, Lydia bashed on their door to get them to open up.
Inhaling a shaky breath, she sat on the spot and calmed down a bit, before looking back up at the Gardevoir. "Th-ank yo-ou," Naya said, using the bed to half stand and get a good look at everything. "You're a lifesaver. Literally." She had not meant to make a joke, so she sighed to herself, internally facepalming. "Why?" Naya whispered to herself, closing her eyes for a second before opening them wide and looking down at the silver Eevee, a smile on her face.

When a sudden loud knock was heard at the door, Naya recoiled, ears down from shock and as some non-working form of defense. "Who's there?" she asked the door, even though it wasn't remotely loud enough for whoever it may be to hear.
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"Luna... Syv... Vio... thank you guys so much." Icarus said, standing up all the way.

The stinging pain had vanished practically completely, but his ears were ringing at the scream. He turned to Naya, who was previously not handling the situation well. Slowly, he walked to the bed, and was about to hop up when he heard a loud bang on the door. It made him jump from fear, conveniently onto the bed. A small blush appeared on his face, but he decided to answer the door anyways. He opened it slowly and saw a... Pancham. Huh?

"Um, hi there. Who m-might you be? A-are you l-looking for someone in p-particular?" Said Icarus, stuttering like an idiot. "I-if you need directions, th-then just ask away."

To be honest, his mind was a bit frazzled by the previous fight situation. This Pancham wasn't adding to the stress per say, but Icarus' inability to handle complete strangers was obviously evident in this situation. He turned to face everyone in the room with a face that read 'I don't know what the heck I'm doing', then turned back to the Pancham with a smile. "W-what's your name?" He asked, voice still shaking despite the smile.
Luna's aura vanished as the Heal Pulse ceased. She let out sigh before smiling at the group. "It's nothing. If you need anything else..." she paused to let out a yawn. "I'll be asleep in 232..." she was about to float back to her room until nearly falling over a Pancham that had suddenly appeared behind her in the doorway. "Whoa!"
Lydia didn't say anything. She peered past Icarus and into the room. Her gaze met with the broken window, as well as the blood all over the ground, and the vast crew of Pokemon, before looking back at him, unfazed.

"I dunno what little sorority ritual y'all're up to in there, don't think I wanna know either." She thought back to the Donphan. Those tusks were pretty intimidating, that was something she had to admit, and Arduo would actually kill her if she got kicked out so soon.

"Name's Lyd, short for Lydia. I guess I broke your window, and I guess I'm supposed to be sorry, so... my bad?" Her arms were still crossed from before, and she didn't really know what more they wanted her to say. "You got a stutter or something fluffy? If you guys are hiding a body in there I kinda want in on-"

A Gardevoir had almost tripped over her. Though it was unintended, it still made her feel small, and she grit her teeth in annoyance.

"Down here sweetheart. Oh sure, don't let me get in your way."

To her horror, Lyd felt a slight blush climb up her cheeks, and she immediately turned away to hide it. "Ugh, I hate this place." She muttered, preparing to storm off as the slightest indication of tears began to prickle in her eyes at her own sorry display.

(She's literally so mean I'm so sorry :x: feel free to just like shoot fire at her or something)
"Hey, hey, wait a sec! Sorority what now? Ritual!? That stutter is - hey! Why are you tu-"

Icarus was about to finish his last sentence when he remembered something: his previous habit of turning away immediately when he blushed. He put his paw on Lydia's shoulder and leaned closer to her ear. "Hey, just so ya know, a good friend once told me that if you turn away when blushing, it makes it more obvious." He whispered.

It hit Icarus just how awkward that might've been...and then he began to blush himself. He quickly sat down and apologized. "I-I'm sorry, that sounded kinda freaky and awkward, that isn't what I wanted, I just wanted to help out, but I guess that isn't really helping, but it might be, either way I'm really really really sorry, Lyd, this is all just really awkward, and oh my Arceus I'm sorry!" Icarus said in one breath before gasping for air.

Welp. Universe, 802. Icarus, apparently 1 somehow... Icarus thought as he facepalmed, both physically and mentally, at the stupidity of the situation.
Lydia quirked her eyebrow again, still adamantly facing the wall as her cheeks grew redder, though she had uncrossed her arms in response to the Flareon's advice. He was going on and on with some fumbled apology that she was still working to process. As the crimson shade finally left her face, she turned to face Icarus again, leaving Luna to stand awkwardly to the side. She would've stomped off any other time, but something was convincing her to stick around for a moment longer. Maybe it'd suddenly occurred to her that she didn't know her own room, and that the only way to find out would be through another chat with the resort staff. Still, that wasn't all that was keeping her here.

Obviously, this Flareon was meek when it came to people. Arduo would've tried to manipulate him somehow if he were here. Lydia wasn't nice, but she had a soul. "Whatever, fluffy, just quit being sorry. I'm the one being forced to apologize, so if anyone's gonna be sorry here, it's gonna be me. All I wanna know is why it looks like you tried to skin a Diggersby in there. I bet I could get that stupid Donphan off my tail if I reported whatever attempted murder went on here, but now you've got me interested." She stared into their room again, blinking twice in discomfort at the sight of children.
Syvery half stepped out from under the bed. Icarus seemed to be talking to another Pokémon. She watched from behind as the voice of the new Pokemon got louder, sounding angry. She stepped out and started to quietly hum as her ribbons began to release a soothing aura around her. The aura didn't heal however. It was more like a weak Aromatherapy that would help calm things down. Looking to the side, she noticed a Pancham, causing her to dart back under the bed as she watched the two with her pearly blue eyes.
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"Whatever, fluffy, just quit being sorry. I'm the one being forced to apologize, so if anyone's gonna be sorry here, it's me. All I wanna know is why it looks like you tried to skin a Diggersby in there. I bet I could get that stupid Donphan off my tail if I reported whatever attempted murder went on here, but now you've got me interested."

Murder... murder?...

"Murder?!" Icarus almost-shouted at Lydia. "Nononono, that's n-not what happened. You see, our kids got in a fight, and then things happened, one got really violent, then bad stuff, but it's all okay now! I swear! No murder or sorori-whatever rituals here, ever! And whaddya mean 'I don't have to apologize', 'cuz that situation just sounded really awkward in my head and I didn't want it to come out that way!" He started to ramble off again, probably not helping him be rid of Lydia's suspicion.

Icarus faintly heard Syvery begin to hum as a wave of calm swept over him, shutting him right up. He sighed, and cleared his throat. "Lydia, nothing related to murder happened here. I wouldn't even dream of it... though now that it's in my mind, I'll probably have nightmares about it... but that's aside the point." He said, more calm and level-headed than just seconds previously.
"Righto. So the kids started a dogfight. What all happened beside-"

The moment she caught sight of the Sylveon before her, the scarlet shot right back into her cheeks at tenfold the intensity of the time before. She frantically thumped her leg against the ground, trying to get it to go away, while she sucked in her cheeks so hard and folded her arms so tight that it was almost hard for Lydia not to scream with the situation she had been presented with. Forcing herself to not turn away, she stared just above Syvery, refusing to meet those blue eyes of hers as she tried without success to get back to normal. So, all-in-all, she was giving a death stare to the wall beside Syvery, her cheeks flushed a bright cherry-red, while the incessant thump of her foot only got faster and louder.

"Yeahmanit'sgreatnomurderafterallokaycoolthatwasfunbyyeeeee!!!" The string of words shot from Lyd's mouth, and she spun on her foot, turning tail as she prepared to walk out.
Icarus stood gaping as Lydia made her way from the doorway, absolutely confused as to what exactly just happened. Mouth still wide open, he closed the door slowly, and walked back inside. Not even waiting for anyone to ask, Icarus tried to sum up what exactly had just happened. "Guys. I just found someone with a bigger blushing problem than mine... ICARUS, TWO POINTS! EAT YOUR HEART OUT, UNIVERSE! I'M CATCHING UP!" He said, jumping up and down triumphantly before slipping and falling, pain coursing through his leg once again. "Oh. Come. ON." Icarus grunted, deciding not to get up from his newfound position on the floor.
Syvery looked over to the side. There were shards of glass upon the ground where a window that showed the main lobby hung. She carefully used her ribbons to sweep the glass to the side. Letting out a sigh, she turned back towards Icarus and Freddy. Taking a look at his leg, she noticed that it was twisted in a weird way. "This might hurt.." Syvery said before pulling the leg with strength. The leg made a pop noise, surprising her and causing her to tumble backwards.
"Oww...." Syvery rubbed her head and looked back towards Icarus and the nearly crushed Freddy beside him.
"Are you two okay?" Syvery asked, tilting her head.
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Lyd was long gone after that. Her legs were practically throwing her into the hallway and away. She didn't really know where she was supposed to go, or what to do when she got there, but her body seemed to know more than her mind as it frantically led her along. Having calmed down once she'd gained some distance, the resort signs were pointing every which way to different activities and rooms. Apparently, there was a training dojo nearby. Throwing a couple of punches had always managed to get her mind off of things in the past, and even if it'd have to be on a training dummy, punches were punches after all, and it would do for now.

A bridge led her briefly outside, and then into the massive, but amazingly zen building. Some Magikarp and Finneon teemed beneath the surface of a neighboring pond, and a gentle breeze swept a handful of cherry blossoms through the air alongside the Pancham. Typical, but pleasant, decided Lydia as she stepped inside.

The dojo seemed so much bigger on the inside, and the sight of it all amazed her. Across from her, an indoor waterfall crashed down onto the heads of a Primeape and Medicham, both of which were deep in meditation. A lone Lucario shot practiced on a mat, sending pulses of pure energy out before her in a wave of beautifully destructive power, while a Mienshao and Machamp fought in utter grace, as if it were some kind of dance. Finally, a Gallade, Hariyama, and Gurdurr all went down the line one after another, chopping solid concrete blocks cleanly and perfectly in two. In complete awe, Lydia made her way to the waterfall first.

Firstly though, she had to find a way up to the sitting spots beneath the waterfall, and about ten minutes of climbing later, with a couple breather-breaks in between, she had made her way up. The two fighting-types already up there were paying her no mind, and cautiously, Lydia dipped one toe into the great flow of water. It was cold, and she shuddered, trying to ease herself in bit by bit until she could adjust. Very quickly though, she was fed up with waiting, she threw her whole body in, immediately finding herself pinned roughly against the stone by the painful crashing weight of the waterfall. She yelped involuntarily, struggling futilely, until she caught the one-eyed glares of both the Primeape and the Medicham. One of the two shoved her into freedom with a simple kick, though freedom also happened to be right off of the stone ledge.

Lydia tumbled to the ground with an audible "oof," shooting a glower right back up at the two pretentious fighters, only to find that they had gone right back to their meditation. With her spirits quite literally dampened, the Lucario was staring down at her expectantly, demanding to see what the Pancham could do. She was first to demonstrate, sending another pulse of aura energy as she had before, and waited for Lydia to follow. Copying her motions, she thrust her arms outwards all at once, smashing through the air a total of three times before she stumbled, and was forced to catch her breath. The Lucario shook her head, clearly disappointed, and sent the equally-disheartened Lydia off on her way.

Next, she was up against the Machamp and Mienshao. Pep-talking herself up, Lydia took a deep breath, charging forwards with a battle cry as she leapt up. She could hardly clear a quarter of the Machamp's height, but regardless, she loosed a series of comet punches onto the Machamp as she flew past. Tumbling to the ground, she struggled back up to her feet, while the six-foot-something Machamp swept her up in one hand. Squabbling briefly in protest, he threw her straight into the ground, while the Mienshao stepped up. Lydia was hardly finished, or so she convinced herself, and grabbed hold of the Mienshao's whips, tugging hard in an attempted circle throw, while her opponent just stared at her during the pathetic attempt. One single kick in retaliation sent Lydia skidding across the floor, and with a noticeable slump in her step, she headed for the board station.

One of the chopping blocks was already laid all out for her, and she took a deep breath. All eyes were on the poor Pancham, and as she focused all of her power into her fist, she brought it down with a decisive karate chop. The block split in two from the blow, albeit not cleanly, and Lydia's hand throbbed in pain. Still, she had done it, and she threw the two broken pieces up into the air in triumph. The Hariyama whistled, and Lydia stopped her celebration to see what he wanted. She followed his finger to the other split blocks, and as the realization set in that they were all breaking concrete, while she was struggling with plywood, she had to resist the urge to tear out her own fur in rage as she shouted aloud. That was it, and Lydia was through. She headed straight for the door, waving the cherry blossoms out of her face angrily as if she were swatting flies as she stormed back into the main hall.
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Violet laughed "Icarus, you still need 800 points to be neck-and-neck with the universe" She stated, jumping off the bed and moving towards Freddy, who was making his way towards Sylvery. "Say, you look quite cute as a Sylveon, but now it might be harder to hide" She said, smiling and wrapping a tail around Sylvery's shower lightly.

Freddy jumped up and down, happy that Sylvery changed, but confused as to why she changed. Freddy then looked around for Goldie, but he was nowhere in sight. "Mommy...Goldie..." Freddy told Violet, placing his small paw in Sylvery's one.

Goldie followed Lydia, he quietly and quickly slinked past pokèmon, not getting joined whatsoever.
Syvery gave a small smile and said, "I'm just like any Sylveon, nothing special." She thought for a moment on how to move around before she looked down towards Freddy. She looked around, low and high. He was right, Goldie was no where to be seen. Syvery looked around carefully.
(The closet doors are closed, nothing under the bed, the entrance is a little open, the restroom do-) Syvery looked back towards the entrance before she pointed with her ribbons towards the door. "She left the room!" Syvery said before she quickly exited the room. Looking both ways, Syvery saw the Pancham for earlier in the main hall. She was about to walk into the hall before she saw the huge crowd of Pokemon there. They weren't alone.
"V-vio? T-theres a-alot..." Syvery tried to speak but e couldn't. She tried to step backwards but she was paralyzed in fear. She couldn't go under the couches anymore either. A Riolu had seemed to spot her. She tried to run but she couldn't. To anyone else it was just a friendly Pokémon approaching to ask a question, but not for Syvery. She looked frantically around her but there was no where to go. She closed her eyes tightly and awaited the voice.
Staying silent the entire time the Pancham was at the door, not being able to help in any way, due to her lack of healing properties, Naya slowly followed Syvery out of the room when she heard that Goldie was missing. "Would you mind if I helped on your search?" she asked the Sylveon, making sure that she was comfortable with her here. Looking up at the now-taller Pokemon, she smiled lightly, eyes closed, before glancing at the Pancham for a moment. "Do you think she knows where Goldie went?" the Persian wondered aloud, pointing at the fighting-type with her tail. Then, a Riolu came into view. Walking forward just a tad, she sat in the middle of the hallway. "Hello there. Is there something we can help you with? We're in a bit of a hurry, so please be quick, if you don't mind." Naya fixed her flower crown with a flick of an ear.
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Syvery sat in relief before she quickly.moved behind the Persian. Even though Syvery didn't exactly know her, she still trusted her much more then the stranger.
"Yeah, do you know how to get to room 395?" The Riolu asked.
Syvery then tapped the Persians shoulder and gave a small nod and smiled as if to say yes. She looked past the Riolu to see the Pancham before, now more clearly. She also saw a familiar Pokémon behind her...
Syvery pointed at the duo that were now completely in the main hall with her ribbon and looked back towards the Persian.