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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Cyndaquil looked at Marin, who had reached out his arms to him, as he felt rather nervous at him trying to pick him up. His body felt awfully warm, as he looked at him while he had a rather frightened look. He said to the Chikorita as he attempted to resist the urge to let off a smokescreen, "Cyndaquil..." There was a trace amount of smoke that was emitting from his back now, as it indicated that he was ill. He couldn't seem to flare up his back at all, as he looked at the Buneary while tears rained down from his face.
Vaporeon kept shuffling her feet in urgency when she reached Alan, relieved when Eevee appeared and the connection was finally made.
Vaporeon was telling Eevee what was going on in their own language and looked up to Alan with a big smile when he said to lead the way.
"Vaay! Vay!" She chimed and would hurry to lead the way back to Def and Growlie.
"Braviary huh. Interesting. Oh well, just use Toxic." Findlay said nonchalantly.
Tentacruel hurled the ball of deadly substances at the bird overhead, and managed to score a direct hit.
Haha! Take that! He cawed in excitement.
Eevee and Alan followed Vaporeon. He was left wondering what kind of trouble Def had gotten himself into. Alan hoped it wasn't too bad, and if it was bad, he hoped he would be enough to get Def out of the trouble. On the way, he let out his other Pokemon, which quickly caught up to Eevee and Vaporeon. They were quite ready for a fight.
Oh yeah, well we will have to do this, Braviary, use whirlwind to get rid of the toxic spikes and then use,"he said while smirking"SKY ATTACK!"
"braviar-y!"braviary said
"hah, take that!"Soras said as it scored a direct hit.
"You think a measly Sky Attack will stop Tentacruel? How silly of you. You might noticed I haven't used any direct attacks yet. That's because if I were to, it would probably OHKO your Pokemon." Findlay stated.
"But since we got a hit with Toxic, I think it's time for Hex." Findlay smirked as he said that.
Vaporeon quickly reached Def and Growlie, who was still doing his best to keep the troublemakers and the pokemon away from their trainer.

"Vaaay," Vaporeon squeaked with worry as she jumped up on the bench with the unconscious Def. Her ears drooped in concern and curled herself up against him with her chin on his shoulder.

Growlie noticed Vaporeon's return and then saw Alan and his pokemon, giving a bark of acknowledgment to him. He wanted rid of these jerks so they could get Def help.
"No, Braviary!Return, you did your best buddy.Alright, go, Sligoo, give it your all!"Shouted Soras
"Sligo!"said sligoo angrily
"Use dragon breath!"
"Alright buddy!"
"Uh oh"said Rack when Alan appeared
"Let's go, quickly!"said Dew
"We will remember this!"shouted Rack as they ran away and straight into team rocket.
"Tentacruel, don't let that hit you!" He shouted. but it was too late. The searing-hot flames of draconic energy burned Tentacruel, and combined with exhaustion from all the poison attacks, he fell to the ground. "No! Tentacruel!" Findlay shouted.
"Grrr..." Findlay growled. "Fine. Go, Draco." Findlay said, as he returned Tentacruel.
"Huh, a charmeleon, eh, alright, use rain dance!"Shouted Soras
"Sligo!"said sligoo as the rain started to fall
"Alright, now your fire attacks won't do as much damage!"Soras then added"use dragon breath, again!"
"Use flame charge, we need speed on our side!" Findlay said.
Draco coated himself in a warm, fuzzy coat of flames and charged at the Sligoo.
"Ah, I love winning."
"Alright, sligoo, use bide!"shouted Soras
"Slig!"said sligoo as he shrugged off the attack like it was nothing
"Nice one buddy!"he then added"unleash it!And then use dragon breath!"
"Sligoo!"shouted Sligoo as he unleashed two beams of light and dragons!
"Use quick attack to dodge!" Findlay shouted! "Then use Slash!"
Draco put on a burst of speed and zipped away from the flames,repeatedly circling Sligoo, making a sharp turn when the flames subsided and made a large cut with his claws.
"Sligoo, stand please!"Asked Soras as Sligoo got directly hit by slash
"Sliggg!"said sligoo just before fainting
"Return, you did amazing buddy, alright, buddy, you are all I have left, go, Dunsparce!"
"Start with drill run!"
"Wow, i'm surprised that got him." Findlay said, in shock. "But none the matter." He shifted to a serious tone. "Use Dragon Rage."
Charmeleon started stomping around for awhile, before releasing a huge blast of draconic power towards the Dunsparce.
Soras smirked"use drill run to get under the ground!"
"Now jump up and use ice beam!"
"Dun-sparce!"Dunsparce shouted while firing a powerful ice beam!
"Slash. Break it apart." Findlay said coldly. Draco lifted his arm up and held it in place until the ice beam cam close enough. "See, I'm not in the mood for games."
"Now." Ordered Findlay. And the Charmeleon let his arm drop like a hammer, smashing and stopping the sub-zero beam.
"Flamethrower. Just so you know, I've been going easy on you"
"Use Quick Attack. Let's see you survive that!" Findlay commented.
Draco, as fast as a bullet, charged towards the enraged Dunsparce, aiming to claw it into oblivion.
"Good luck winning this battle." Findlay taunted. "It's as good as over."
"Oh yeah, drill run!"shouted Soras"and focus your energy on catching up!"
"Dunsp!"said Dunsparce as he tried to send charmeleon flying
"Now, finish it with blizzard!"
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"Quick attack, dive to the ground!" Charmeleon did a sort of kick, landing on the ground, while the blizzard passed harmlessly overhead.
"Now use flamethrower! Burn him down to ashes!" Draco launched a strong torrent of flames towards the dunsparce.
'Wow, he got FAST. I'd better watch out...' He thought.
"Holy crap! Quick attack!" He cried out in desperation, but it was too late.
Draco was lying on the ground unconscious.
"Damn... Alright, go, Sneasel!" He chucked a Pokeball and out popped a Sneasel, but instead of waiting for a response, it immediately attacked with Fake Out.
"Alright, now use Blizzard yourself! If Dunsparce uses blizzard, then try out-blizzard him!"
"Keep using blizzard, he's tiring!" Findlay shouted.
Sneasel put even more power into the blizzard, and the increased force of the attack caused Dunsparce to stop the drill run, as even it could not protect against the blizzard.
"We got 'im, now use your 'hyper' Slash!"
Sneasel became a blur as it ran within the blizzard before it dissipated and delivered a sharp uppercut to the Dunsparce.
The Dunsparce couldn't react in time and became a victim to Sneasels deadly onslaught of vicious slashes, before it launched the Dunsparce back to earth.
"Buddy!"shouted Soras"recover with Roost and attack with THUNDER!"
"Dunspaaaaa!"shouted Dunsparce as he disobeyed Soras and used all of his moves at once, roost, thunder, blizzard, Drill run!All of those attacks just made him stronger and faster, even faster than sneasel!
After a quick nap Jack woke up to see all of his Pokemon asleep,Fluff sleeping on his Lap, Ignis and Fang sleeping on opposite sides of the area and Torrent laying in a Tree, Near was a Magikarp in a pond, It watched Jack as he looked up from his sleep "MAGIKARP!!!!!!!! (FEEL MY WRATH!)" The Magikarp yelled as it splashed out of the pond, Landing on Jack and attacking him, From this noise Ignis instantly juped up and started to attack the Magikarp "I HAVE A IDEA! IM GONNA CATCH IT!" Jack yelled as he Grabbed a Pokeball from his back and threw it at the Magikarp, Catching it "YES!" Jack yelled as he put the Pokeball to the Air "Well, Time to continue on to Lopya city!" Jack yelled as he grabbed his stuff and continued to walk down the Forest with his Pokemon
"Use Hail then Metal Claw. This should finish it." Sneasel jamp in to the air and fell back down, bringing snowy weather with it.
Using the snow to his advantage, Sneasel ran and delivered a solid strike to the Dunsparce, and making his claws even stronger, while the ice pellets bruised the Dunsparce's body.
"Looks like it's over. Quick Attack." Sneasel practically disappeared for a second, before appearing behind the Dunsparce, making a fatal slash in it's frail and already weakened body.
"Even though you used Recover, it's defenses are much lower, as Recover takes a lot of energy.
It wont take another hit. Surrender or I fear it may take long-term damage." He warned.
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What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Use Night shade!" Kane shouted. Grim's body became darker as a shadowy beam follow towards Rex and hit him.
"Headbutt!" Rex's headbutt went straight through the Duskull.
"You idiot. You didn't know Normal type moves go straight through ghost types! Shadow Sneak!" The Duskull dissappeared and reappeared behind Rex, damaging him.
"Dodge it!"
"Jump up and use it again!" Rex and jumped and struck Grim, damaging him greatly
"Night shade!"
"Dodge and use smack down!" Rex dashed towards Grim, hit him, then threw a large stone at the pokemon. Grim fainted.
"Where did you get that Cranidos from?"
"The professor gave it to me. I revived him at one of the archaelogical buildings in the city back there." Harry pointed to beyond the forest.
"I bet your other pokemon are much worse. Go Frost!" And a Snover appeared next to him.
"We Don't give up 'till the end, dunsparce, lets go, bud, use Blizzard and take it out, okay?"Soras said"and then finish with Thunder!"
"DUNSPAAAAA!!!"shouted Dunsparce as he unleashed his two most powerful attacks to stop sneasel in it's tracks
"now dodge its attacks by going under ground with drill run!"Shouted Soras while perfectly in sync with his partner, they saw through each other's eyes, they would not give in till the end.
"Dunspaaa!"shouted Dunsparce as he went underground to not only dodge the attacks, but to also dodge the hail.
"use roost when under it!"shouted Soras.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Icy wind!" The forest became much colder as ice started to appear. Kane's Snover Frost shot a blast of cold wind at Rex and Rex became frozen.
"Damn. Where'd you get that Snover?" Harry asked.
"I found him in the Sinnoh region. He followed me all this way, because he knew I was such a good trainer!" Kane boasted. "I only actually caught him when we got off the ship! Frost use Ice shard!"
Frost crashed into Rex and Rex fainted.
"Go Sparky!" Harry called out as a Pichu appeared. "Thundershock!" A zap of electricity hit Frost but not much happened.
"Ha! Is that all all you got?!" He cried.
"I admire your persistence, but that's still slightly selfish. Your Dunsparce could have to have serious medical attention, but if that's how you want it, then fine. Who am I to stop you."
Sneasel dodged all the attacks by repeatedly using Quick Attack, and then ducking under or over anything else.
"Oh, and you can't Roost while underground. That'll just make it hurt more. Now, use Fury Swipes to dig underground!"
Sneasel began frantically slashing at the dirt,getting closer to Dunsparce every second.
"Ice Shard Quick Attack combo. Finish this." Findlay said. "Don't give up"
Sneasel dag even faster than before, before doing a backflip (Yes, a backflip in a underground hole.) and shooting out a cone of ice.
The frozen stalactite cut through the weakened dirt easily, breaking through and into Dunsparce.
Sneasel jamp straight out of the hole, and landed in front of her trainer.
"Better get him out of there." He warned. "Sneasel, jump if he uses dig again."
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With just a simple nod from Alan, Eevee jumped into the air with a ball of black energy forming in its mouth. Eevee released the Shadow Ball attack once it was fully charged at the two Ghost Pokémon. The attack exploded in mid-air, creating a sort of smokescreen between Def and the grunts. As the smoke cleared, Alan was standing in front of Def with Eevee and Munchlax in front and Spinda standing next to Alan's leg.

"Sorry, grunts. Today's not your lucky day. Ee, Munch, go!"

Ee and Munch ran at Shuppet and Misdreavus. They had battled long enough to know that they each only had one move that would affect ghost types. Ee charged another shadow ball, leaping into the air and firing at Misdreavus, while Munch closed his fists as electricity gathered around them. Munch jumped at Shuppet and swung both his fists at the puppet pokemon, right then left.
"Come on, buddy, I think he might be right... let's finish this another day, ok Findlay?"Said Soras while picking up dunsparce off the ground and heading towards the Pokemon centre,
"Dun..."(I guess...)
At the Pokemon centre...
"Sigh... that was difficult...I will beat him next time, though, huh?!"said Soras as his pokegear shook with a message which said meet me in the centre of town for a battle, you weakling.from Blaze.
"Ugh, not now better replie...
Just healing my pokemon...Soras.
"Soras, your pokemon are all healed."
"Thanks nurse joy!"
At the town centre...
"What took you so long!"shouted Blaze"lets start, go masher, take him out!"
"Sigh, here we go, go chespin!"

Growlie stepped back to give Ee and Alan's other pokemon space to attack the grunts pokemon, feeling much more relaxed now another human was here. As the grunts fled he gave a few loud barks to further drive his warning, how dare they harm his trainer!

Growlie turned to Alan and lightly bumped his head against his affectionately and licked the side of his face, happy to see him and thankfull for his help.

"Vaaay," Vaporeon muttered as she stared worryingly at Def who still wasn't waking up. "Vaay Vaaay! Vaporeon!" She chimed as she sat up and waved a paw at Def and then in the direction of the grunts before faking being drowsy and tired, trying to explain to Alan that they had their pokemon us hypnosis on Def. "Vaaay," She whined, feeling tears in her eyes a bit as she worried for him.

"Arrr", Growlie grumbled quietly as he sat by the bench and watched to see what Alan made of this.
OOC: That was plenty of reading! Glad to be back a week after Sun and Moon release. Black Friday will be my last busy day and then I'm back for good.
Yolie looked up and realised how soon evening came. Clouds held a faint glow as stars his behind the puffs like a blanket.

"You know, it is getting late. Instead of heading to the gym, let me head to a hotel. I can study some book material. Tmrw I will learn a little more about Status ailments and move combinations. I can't wait! Next time I see the gang, I'll look like a completely new lady!"

Yolie gripped her satchel in triumph as she turned around to head towards an in. Yolie strutted past the center of town, and saw Soras, a somewhat familiar face. She couldn't tag a name to him though. He appeared to be at the beginning of an intense fight. From a fair distance, Yolie snapped a photo of herself waving a peace sign while capturing Soras back and the pokemon on the battle field

"I think I'll save this for a memory album. Great keepsake!"

She began to continue towards the town's hotel.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The Snover and the Pichu had been fighting for a while now. "Thunder punch!" Harry cried. With one electrifying blow, Frost fainted.
"I must say, I didn't realise you were going to get so far. I'll still crush you. Go Dusk!" Kane's signature pokemon, his Honchkrow appeared.
"Thunder shock several times!" Electricity came from the clouds over and over again but Dusk avoided every single one of them.
"Aerial ace!" Dusk dived down and hit Sparky, knocking him out in one hit.
"Take a good rest Sparky. Go Captain!" The Corphish appeared and Kane sighed.
"What a pathetic little pokemon. I'm glad I released him. Steel wing!" Dusk hit the Corphish.
"Bubble beam!" Bubbles came towards Dusk but he could dodge them.
"Aerial ace!"
"Dodge it!" Corphish jumped to the side, injuring the Honchkrow. "Knock off!" Captain hit the injured Honchkrow.
"Night slash!" Dusk brutally hit the a Corphish several times, then, under Kane's command , grabbed Captain and tossed him into the bushes. Captain fainted.
"No!" Harry cried. He had lost.
"Pathetic. See, this is why I released him. Hahaha!" Laughed Kane as he left.
"You just became my rival! We will meet again!" Answered Harry. Harry spent some more time In the forest, whilst Kane left for the next town.
Team Flare time...
"Uh, oh, return shuppet, ummm, Run, dew!"shouted Rack when Alan defeated him and Dew
"Yeah, sure!"shouted Dew(who normally did not agree with Rack)they ran, in fact, for about 20 seconds, before running into a tree...
Back to Soras...
"Chespin, use rollout!"shouted Soras
"Belldum, you dummy, use take down!"shouted Blaze
After 5 minutes of intense battling...
"I can't believe I lost,"said Soras after healing his pokemon and heading to the hotel
"Dunnn."(that was annoying.)
"Chesss."(i agree.)In the hotel, Soras saw Yolie going to one of the rooms, he also noticed that it was the room he had been given...
"Hi, Yolie, over here!"he shouted.
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OOC: Hey Fraseandchico, watch it with the player control please. Lol if your battle took three hours, my character would definitely be tucked into bed by now!
As Yolie arrived at the hotel, she payed for an exoencive room and took an elevator to the last floor. She was absolutley tires and ready for a relaxing read. Before she could walk in, she saw Sora's heading her way.

"Uhm, your that kid that was battling in the center of town. Did you manage to win? I apologize, but I can't recall your name for the life of me. I am Yolie."

Yolie pointed at herself as she said her name. There was no one else here, so she began to wonder why she always points at herself. She shook of the question and looked curiously at Soras.

"Oh, is there something I can help you with?"
"My name is Soras, and no, sadly I did not beat Blaze, that is his name, by the way, huh?"Said Soras as Braviary came out and cawed cheerfully"i think he likes you, hey watch it buddy!"he said as braviary brought his own pokeball out of Soras' belt and offered it to Yolie
"Bravv!"he said cheerfully.
"Huh, he wants you to be it's trainer, don't worry, he likes you."said Soras, worrying that she was scared.