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Crush a wish!

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Granted, but it doesn't matter because you can come in now because Alex turned off the ban.

I wish there was a new Shin-chan on.
Granted, but no government means we return to the state of nature (or something like that) where it is every man for himself. In other words: No friends! And no forum! :'(

I wish there was at least one country with a democracy like Ancient Greece
Granted, something goes wrong and you end up hung before a large audience.

"This hanging was recorded before a live audience at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida."

I wish for the three year olds and church to not grab my legs again.
Granted, you're now a zombie and Leon Kennedy blows your head of with a shotgun and then Frank West runs you over with a lawn mower. (Leon's the guy from Resident Evil and Frank is from Dead Rising)

I wish I didn't have Micheal Jackson songs in my head.
granted, but it eats your disks (I'm sorry if you lost something valuable)

I wish I didn't get a nasty cut on my finger from my bed (MY BED!! That's just ridiculous)
Granted, instead you got a cut on your leg from your chair.

I wish my brother would shut up about NERF already when I told him I was done!
Granted, but his mouth gets sewn up and you get blamed for his death by starvation.

I wish people wouldn't use my 0.o face! IT'S MINE!!!!!!!
Granted, but then you realize its not yours and everyone hates you for coveting it.

I wish I could think of what to do for my homework.
Granted, instead its called entertainment but everyone hates it even more.

I wish I'd stop being so distracted.
Granted, but it ended with it getting canceled. (Sorry. I like that show, too.)

I wish I could think of an interesting name for one of the boy characters in my comic.
Granted, but that person totally suck and get banned on the sight of his/her post.

I wish that people wouldn't think all hippies smoke or do drugs.
Granted, but know they know that hippies secretly work in the government telling the President what to do.

I wish the chicken cutlets were done already. Yum. :p
Granted, but they don't taste as good as they look.

I wish my hand didn't hurt from doing homework.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Granted, but because it doesn't hurt anymore, it eventually falls off from excess use.

I wish I was a straight A student (a B+ in Geometry! I'm going to die...)
Granted, but you're hated because you spend all your time studying instead of with people.

I wish my sharpie didn't die on me.
Granted, but it always packs the wrong things.

I wish I'd actually make my own lunch in the morning.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Granted, but then you find out that the Japenese language had changed once you had mastered ancient Japanese.

I wish I had a better shoulder rest.
Granted, it feels so good you fall asleep for weeks and die in your sleep due to starvation.

I wish I was gangster.

(xD Random)
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