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The Story Of The Original Dragon

by VGC Academy

VGC Academy Notice: This is a made up story using the games lore as a base. This is NOT official.
Once upon a time Unova was a great kingdom. There was a king that was kind to his people. This king had two sons. The boys were twins.. This royal family had a Pokemon to guard the Kingdom of Unova. This Pokemon is known as Taoeon. The royal children and Taoeon were very close. Then the King died of old age. Since the brothers were twins nether could take the throne. So the boys agreed to rule together. But this didn't last long. Soon the brothers argued on how to rule. One wanted to follow the truth, the other ideals. The brothers began to fight. Both wanted to have Taoeon. But because of Taoeon's bond with both brothers he split into three. One for each brother and the last as Taoeon husk. The husk ran away, never to be seen again. Then the brothers raged ear with these new Pokemon. But both side had equal power. All they were doing is destroying Unova. The brothers realizing these called a peace fire. Then 15 years later the brothers sons started this battle again. This battle ended like the last with nether side overpowering the other. At the end of this the Pokemon went dormant. Then the brothers his the dormant forms underneath there castle. This is the story of the Original Dragon.
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