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The Legend of Zelda: Phoenix Warriors: The Legend of Zelda: Phoenix Warriors Part 11

by Champion Knight

Champion Knight
Part 11: Clash for the Triforce of Courage.

The Phoenix Warriors clashed with the dark lord! With Darunia leading first, he went up against Ganondorf!

He swung his hammer, but Ganondorf dodged and stunned Darunia with an uppercut. Darunia hit back with a head butt, knocking Ganondorf down. However, Ganondorf got angry an hit hard with his obsidian sword, defeating Darunia.

Lana and Karl double teamed Ganondorf, which overpowered him. But Ganondorf grabbed Karl and threw him aside and attacked Lana! Lana then used a Binding curse to try and kill Ganondorf, but he used his Triforce of Power to break free. Defenseless, Lana try to use kicks, but was thrown to to ground.

General Ordono came in and surprise attacked Ganondorf with his sword, and cut open his leg. He engaged in a fierce duel with him, but Ganondorf simply overpowered him and knocked him out with a two punches and a knee.

Linken then came in. “If you want to hurt Zelda, you go through me!”. “I’ve been waiting for this!”. “Me too you old man!”. Link clashed with Ganondorf again but this time, it seem equal! Link was able to land a slice to the arm and Ganondorf landed a brutal blow to Link’s shield, damaging it. But Link the cut out Ganondorf’s left eye! “You little piece of crap!!”.

Ganondorf then used his dark power to throw Link in front of the Triforce of Courage, knocking him out. But before Ganondorf could snatch the Triforce of Courage, Zelda used her light power to hold him back. Ganondorf struggled through the heavenly power as it drained his dark energy. But he pulled through and back handed Zelda, easily knocking her out.

“Heh! Victory... Is... MINE! MWAHHHAH!” Ganondorf proclaimed, snagging the Triforce of Courage......

TheWanderer and Shikowara like this.
  1. Shikowara
    Aw man! He got the Triforce of Courage....Let me at 'em!!
    Nov 26, 2019
    Champion Knight likes this.
  2. Champion Knight
    Champion Knight
    Nov 26, 2019
    Kasumi Daiyamondo likes this.