Some Skeleton Puns

by flamefireguyXZ

Why cant skeletons play church music? No ORGANS
Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball? He had no-BODY to dance with
Why are skeletons so chill? Nothing gets under their SKIN
I know some of these jokes were a bit BAREBONED
But you have to admit some were HUMERUS
I tried my hardest to make some BONE-afide jokes
But if they aren't good then I'm a BONEhead
Admit it your DYING in laughter
Sorry if I'm BURYING you with puns
It is a GRAVE mistake if you're still here
Because I'm smothering you with SKELEPUNS
Am I tickling your funny BONE yet?
LokaMocha likes this.
  1. Jhan Garc
    Jhan Garc
    I went through all of this.

    It wasn't such a bad time.
    May 9, 2016