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by EmotionSenser

EmotionSenser So I decided to draw my cinnamon bun OC from "Team Plasma in a New Region", Royal.

That is supposed to be a flower crown on her head, as based on a scene from the RP.

I decided that her full name is Royal Donna... Which would make her mom Ella Donna. Bc her name is based on belladonna, a type of poisonous plant.

Fun fact: Royal is actually based on a Quagsire I raised in a playthrough of Platinum! She was the BOMB! Impish nature, scatters things often!
Icena and LadyLucs like this.
  1. LadyLucs
    So cute!!! *realies I drew Royal in the wrong outfit in my drawing* SHIT! *sobs slightly because I already inked it* aw well, ya win some ya lose some
    Jun 14, 2016