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Pokemon: Turned up to 11!: Pokemon: Turned up to 11!: Episode 1, Chapter 3: Suspicion

by Teal04

Teal04 Lori finds the Pokeball with Arceus in whilst snooping in his room.
Previously on Pokemon: Turned up to 11!...
After finding Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon, Lincoln went to the Royal Woods Pokemon Centre and met Professors Oak and Willow, to name a few, and finds out everything there is about the world of Pokemon. Now he tries to hide his new found friend from his 10 sisters. But his eldest sister is suspicious, and this chapter is from her point of view...
It was our 8 month anniversary, and me and my boyfriend, Bobby (but I call him "Boo-boo bear"), were having a conversation on Skype. Bobby had moved to the city a few months ago, but we still keep in touch on our phones. Well, him with his iPhone X, and me with Mum's old iPhone SE. I was just talking about the restaurant I wanted to go to, when I heard the front door open. I ended the conversation, then called out to Lincoln, who'd just walked in, "Lincoln, Dad made dinner an hour ago and yours is stone cold. What took you so long?" "Nothing," he said. Then he put his bag in his room, petted Cliff, the cat, then went to the kitchen. To choke down cold cauliflower cheese, I thought alliteratively (that's a word, right?), and went back on my phone to give more detail about the restaurant. Now, if I had something better to do, I wouldn't have decided to find out what Lincoln was hiding, or if he was hiding something. And I did. For about 10 seconds. Bobby was working at the store, and it was really crowded, so it was best if I left him alone before a riot breaks out. So then I had nothing better to do. So I decided to snoop in Lincoln's room. Now, I'm smarter than Lincoln because I'm older. In fact here's the list of me and my siblings, and our ages with the smartest at the top and the dumbest at the bottom.
Lisa (4 years old)
Lori (17 years old)
Luna (15 years old)
Luan (14 years old)
Lynn (13 years old)
Lincoln (11 years old)
Lucy (8 years old)
Lana + Lola (both 6 years old because they're twins)
Leni (16 years old)
Lily (2 years old)
Now, as you might've guessed, just because I'm the eldest doesn't mean I'm the smartest. I sneaked out of the room, past Luna and Luan's room, past Lynn and Lucy's room, past the twins' room, past Lisa and Lily's room, and into Lincoln's used-to-be-the-linen-closet-but-because-he-he-is-a-boy-we-converted-it-into-a-bedroom. (but I'd recommend it if you said "Lincoln's room") Then I looked in his bag and found a strange looking watch, a peculiar phone and an odd tennis ball. Must be Lynn's, I thought. So I went to Lynn's room. She was playing football with Lana, and breaking several objects whilst doing it, including Edwin, Lucy's porcelain statue. (BTW, she was furious when she found out and told mum. So, no pocket money for Lynn for a while) "Hey Lynn, is this yours?" I asked. She said that she didn't know what it was, but since it was a ball, she'd gladly take it. I went to my bedroom, and got out a horror novel. 21 pages later, (pun intended) Lincoln walked in. I looked up at him and said "Lincoln, you know you're not supposed to be in my room." Lincoln didn't say anything. Then I said, "I mean it, leave or I'll literally turn you into a human pretzel." Lincoln then asked, "What did you do in my room?" I said, "Okay, you can stay." Then I farted because of nerves. (but I prefer it if you read "Then my shoe squeaked again.") Lincoln then said "Lori, so help me I will-" He was just about to say what he would do if I didn't tell when we heard Lynn say something. She said, "AAAAAACK!" Lincoln looked pale. So did I. What happened? I thought. I was about to find out...
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