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by existentialwitch

existentialwitch Page 1:
Congratz guys you just met your first angel "Angel" , In fact you just met Oliver they and he just happens to be the leader of the "Angels". How do ya like this little piece of crap so far? But, wait who is he talking to? Oh, well your gonna have to wait and find out

@spongeygirl @DarkestNight
  1. TheCopperHare
    Yeahh i realised that when i started story boarding for a comic a couple of friends made
    Sep 10, 2016
    Knave of Joy likes this.
  2. existentialwitch
    @Darkest knight I think the next page might be a bit late because I just realized comics need storylines ;-;
    Sep 10, 2016
  3. TheCopperHare
    ooo So angelic with blood. okay. time to read some authors notes
    Sep 10, 2016
    Knave of Joy likes this.
  4. existentialwitch
    @Raijin Zen But I'm also glad that you had chills, because scary and gory was kinda the vibe I was going for! So (at least from my pov) I successfully achieved my goal of having it be gory and scary. BUT STILL NOT GONNA DRAW ANY MORE GORE XD
    Sep 10, 2016
  5. existentialwitch
    @Raijin Zen Yep, SOWWY BOUT DAT, Tbh It makes me cringe a bit to XD, so I think I might fix it to make it pastel so it's not as bad. ( also I wanted to clear this up for everyone the "Angels" are technically still demons)
    Sep 10, 2016
  6. sara_pandar ._.
    sara_pandar ._.
    okz thx :)
    Sep 10, 2016
  7. Raijin Zen
    Raijin Zen
    ok kinda gorry AKA not my taste but mmmmmmmmm... this give chills down my spine
    Sep 10, 2016
    Knave of Joy likes this.
  8. existentialwitch
    @spongeygirl Thank you next page TOMARROW!! You'll get to meet the main characters , sorta……they're all a bit dead Are ya still up?
    Sep 10, 2016
    spongeygirl likes this.
  9. sara_pandar ._.
    sara_pandar ._.
    omg amazing
    Sep 10, 2016
    Knave of Joy likes this.