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Godzilla Fanfiction

by Dragonslayer220

Dragonslayer220 Godzilla and her friends go on an adventure they'll never forget!
Part 1
I’m finally home. After a few battles with some alien things, a little skirmish with some people and destroying some cities, I’m going home to my island; to my Queendom. Everyone thinks I’m a guy, but I’m a girl! I’ve lived on this island for about 200 years, and I’ve lived peacefully. I have a clan to take care of somewhere in what the humans call the “Bermuda Triangle”. I chose an island in the region because the humans say it’s haunted by ghosts, which I know isn’t true.

My little clan is made up of a giant gorilla the humans call King Kong, a very special hydra called King Ghidorah, and my brother, who goes by the name of Mechagodzilla. He’s a tech-savvy guy who just loves to invent stuff to help our clan. King Ghidorah (Also a girl, by the way), is a very strong hydra and just loves to eat. King Kong, who is the only creature that was named correctly, is a relatively smart monkey super athletic. He even had Mecha create a jungle-gym for his fitness station.

As imaginable as it is the island is very big for each of us to have a living space; I’m surprised that the humans haven’t known about it yet. We each have a sector of the island to live on. I have the centermost part of the island, Kong has the northern side, Ghidorah has the south side, and Mecha has the eastern part. The western part is for these giant insects who are also kind of our clan. Mothra and Battra live there, and I guess they’re okay. Mothra is well, a moth and Battra is a very violent butterfly. Mothra and Battra are like polar opposites, yet they can stand each other. Mothra is a very kind and generous moth who’s a little dumb sometimes, and Battra is kind of a weird but cool butterfly who likes to see cities just burn, but he’s very smart.

When I got home, Kong was waiting for me with a goofy grin on his face. “Where did you go? Mecha really wants you to see his new invention. Wait, where did you get those scars? They look pretty bad.” he said.

“Well, I’ll tell you all about it when the whole clan has assembled. I got some big news.”, I said. Kong gathered everyone, waiting to hear what I went through where I was gone for a whole day, and why I didn’t bring home any food. When everyone gathered, We all sat down in a circle (Mothra and Battra were fluttering up in the air) and I began to tell the story.

“Some humans saw me fishing and got my attention. They obviously wanted me to follow them, so I did for about 4 hours.”, I began. “When I got to the other side of the continent, I realised that there was massive destruction. I thought that there was another creature the people had made and wanted me to get rid of it, but when I saw what was causing the destruction, I knew the people didn’t build it. It was alien.” I said ominously while Battra gasped in delight. “How bad of destruction did it cause? Did you bring one home for me? I really want one!” He squealed. I shook my head no and Battra hung his head down the best he could to look sad. “I’m sorry, Battra.”, Mothra soothed as I went on with my story.

“Anyway, this huge alien thing was attacking me. There were 3, and one of them had wings. The other two were bigger and obviously had eggs. I fought the winged one and the female who had just laid her eggs teamed up on me. When I heard an explosion, the females reeled back and tried to attack the human who had set off the explosion. That gave me enough time to charge up. I then proceeded to pry open the male’s jaws and breathe into his throat. He exploded!”

I then proceeded to make a huge motion with my claws while Battra almost fell on top of me in delight. “That was awesome! What happened next?” urged Mecha.

“Then, the females got super ticked off and shrieked in my ear, so I ripped one of their heads off. The other one got blown up by the human. The blast unfortunately hurt me, so I was knocked out for so long, the smoke cleared. I then realised what kind of destruction I had caused, so I said my goodbye and came back here.” I concluded. Everyone seemed to be satisfied with my story and it was Mecha’s turn to tell me about his new invention. “Well, while you were gone I made this out of trees and boulders so that we can store our food!” He then showed me a large crate made obviously from his precise handiwork. “Mecha, I’m so proud of you! Now nothing will steal our food!” I praised him. He looked at me through his iron battle suit he never took off. The suit was designed by the humans and it was his inspiration. He beamed in pleasure while I patted him on the back. Kong was impressed also, and Ghidorah loved the idea of keeping her food safe. “Oh, we can have lots of meals I deliciously cook myself!” Her left head bragged. “And we can keep raw fish that Zillie (my nickname) catches.” The right head beamed. “We can keep anything safe with this invention!” the middle head prided. “Alright, we get that you love food, Ghidorah! Soon, you’re gonna make us all hungry!” Kong shrieked. Mothra encouraged Mecha to make more crates to store more types of things like her remedies or Battra’s ‘souvenirs’ that he mysteriously kept. I vowed to myself that I will find whatever he’s hiding if it’s the last thing I do. “Well, I guess it’s lights out for everyone.” I said to comfort everyone. We went to our separate sleeping spaces and went to sleep, oblivious of what was coming the next day.

Part 2

The next day was like any other, except we got a new visitor. At first it looked like a brownish red dot on the horizon, but then it took the form of a pterodactyl, only bigger. When it came to full size, I realised who it was; my old nemesis, Rodan. I looked at him in disgust when he landed, and Kong growled slightly in skepticism. “What are you doing here Rodan?” asked Ghidorah's left head. All Rodan did was smile his annoying smile. “You’re hiding something, and I want to know what.” the right head howled. “What? I thought you liked me!” Rodan screeched in mock despair. “Whatever happened to that?”

“I changed my mind is all. I decided to not put up with your lies.” grumbled Ghidorah's center head. Rodan narrowed his eyes and glared at me. “The reason I’ve come here,” he began “is because as much as I hate to say it, I need your help.” He bowed down to me. “And why should we help you, after all you’ve done to us?” I asked in bitterness. “Because...because you’re the only one who can help.” He said, in obvious uncomfort. Rodan is basically my archenemy because he tried to hurt Mecha and made fun of the fact that the people got my gender wrong. After his insults and bullying, I like to see him squirm. “Explain what you need my help with.” I said, clearly liking his uncomfort. “Well, the people have created a new monster, and it’s horrific. It’s like this bull thing that’s got ram horns made of steel. It’s huge and it spews ice out of its mouth. It’s destroying a huge city made by the people! They need your help, and what I see from it, it’s highly territorial and if it’s not stopped, it might take over our world.” He explained, and I didn’t believe him. Why should I when he lied? “I don’t believe you. If it’s indeed real, then why haven’t we heard about it beforehand?” I asked in skepticism. “It was only made a few days ago and released into a suburb, but it escaped the hands of the people protectors and is destroying a city. We have to help!” he screamed. “No, we don’t!” I yelled back. “I don’t have to put my people in danger just because of some prank that you’re pulling on us!” Rodan looked at me in disbelief.

“Wow, Godzilla. I’m surprised that you have risked your life for a human city, but not for your people.” I can’t believe him. I mean he can’t be serious, can he? Maybe I’ve been judging him wrong the whole time. “Alright, I’ll look at this supposed ‘beast’ with you, but that’s it. If it is real, then I’ll fight it. Ice can’t beat fire, can it?” I asked cautiously. Rodan instantly had a huge grin on his face while Mothra looked uneasy and all three of Ghidorah’s heads looked angry. Kong said “Well, are we going or not? If so, I want to see this beast.” Rodan’s grin grew even wider. “You won’t be disappointed!” he said in delight. Am I doing the right thing?, I ask myself. I don’t even know. All I do know is if this thing is real, then we’re in for a battle, and a big one.

Part 3

When we embark on our journey, I’m skimming through the water while Rodan is gliding up ahead, letting out small groans. I don’t know if he’s sick or what, but I don’t like it. Ghidorah has chosen to tag along, so she’s flying a short distance behind us. “Wait up, guys! Go...slower.” Ghidorah called in between breaths. “If this monster is causing as much trouble as Rodan says, there’s no time to waste!” I called back, because I still don’t believe Rodan. I’m glad Ghidorah is with me, even though it puts her in danger. When she finally caught up, it was when we came to the continent and I looked up in terror. What Rodan said really was true, and in front of us was a full beast of Rodan’s description of the beast. A blue bull the size of Kong, maybe bigger. It had horns of steel and we could all see that it was destructing the city, just like Rodan said. Ghidorah followed my gaze and gasped in horror, and I said

“Is that what we’re supposed to fight and kill?” Rodan nodded solemnly. “Yes, I’m sorry. I tried to kill it myself, but I can’t. I have failed the people, so please don’t. Ghidorah flew up into the air and I arose from the water. The three of us looked terrifying together, and arising up out of the water, the monster turned and looked at us in confusion, and I roared with all of my might. The monster replied with a screech a lot like Rodan’s. We charged into battle, and I began to charge up. There is no way that this monster is going to beat me!

Part 4

When we charged into battle, I began to feel nervous. Already, the monster was spewing ice crystals out of his mouth, and I can already feel its ice-breath. Ghidorah shivered and Rodan winced. As we pass buildings, I see the actual damage, and it wasn’t like the aliens’ destruction. The frames of the buildings were there, but the walls were frozen and chipped off and the windows were shattered, and I could understand why. Inside, I could see people cowering in fear. I tried to comfort them, but to no avail. I walked past families, husbands and wives, and I could hear Ghidorah’s wings beating and jets gliding through the air, thinking that we were gonna destroy the city, too. So much for gratitude. As the monster got closer to us, we could feel coldness radiating off of its skin. I really miss the fact that someone as strong as Kong or someone as smart as Mecha isn’t with me. At least Rodan (total liar) and Ghidorah (loyal friend) are with me. I don’t really like Rodan, but we’re in battle together. Then I feel a very cold blast as the ice monster breathes its polar breath at me. I roar in agony and Ghidorah’s three heads spew fire out of their mouths. The battle has begun.

Part 5

The monster roars in agony, screaming “What are you doing?” I stop, surprised that it can talk. Rodan had the same idea and said “Wait, you can talk?”

“Yeah, I can talk! Why are you hurting me?” I had an answer for that. Ghidorah stopped breathing fire and the monster stopped breathing ice. I know we all destroyed a city at least once in our lives, but this was straight up dangerous.

The armed forces swooped in and started opening fire to us, and we all ran (or flew) for cover. When we were somewhat in the ocean away from the jets, we restarted our conversation.

“What do you mean? I’m totally organic and not made by the people. I’m like, 400 years old!” The monster (who revealed himself as Cyros) “Well, why did you only appear this week?” asked Ghidorah. I have to admit it’s a very good question. “Huh, that’s strange. I must have slept too long because when I woke up, there was a flippin city on top of me that I had to destroy. Then I got angry and started destroying stuff to rebuild the home that was mine.” Cyros said. I guess he really is older than all of us. We went home a different way so that the military couldn’t find us. On our way home, Rodan asked if he could hear the whole story when we went home, and Cyros said yes.

When we got to our island, Rodan was tired and Ghidorah was very exhausted. Mecha was the first to see Cyros and react. “Is that the monster? I thought I’d never live to see the day that Rodan told the truth.” he said, while Rodan stood there looking hurt. “I thought you were gonna decapitate it.”, Battra said sadly while Mothra comforted him. Cyros looked at him in fear before telling his story.

Part 6

About 400 years ago, a creature was born of ice and snow from a glacier. It did not know why it was born, but it knew what to do out of pure instinct, and it traveled. It traveled and traveled, swimming across the water, galloping across the land. It saw people, and the people were afraid of it, trying to kill it for their own safety. The creature’s life was a lot like this, until it found a reason to fight back.

One day, the creature was trekking around the forest, trying to hide the best it could because it was about as big as the trees. The humans still found it because of its size and started throwing spears at it. It was about to kill all of the humans with its ice breath, but it heard a screech from a creature very similar to itself. It instinctively ran toward it and found itself in a village of humans and a female version of the creature in a giant metal cage, yowling pathetically.

The humans saw it and yelled their battle cries, swinging their swords and clubs. The children looked at it fearfully, and the adults had rage and greed in their faces. He knew he had to get the other creature out of her cage before the humans did something horrible to her. He ran toward the creature and broke the metal bars of the cage, then put the female (who was much smaller than he) on his back and rode off, shooting ice breath at every turn. When they were both hiding in a much denser forest than before, the female told the creature her name - Ellia - and asked for his. It was then he realised he didn’t have a name, and made one up himself. From then on, the creature called himself Cyros.

Cyros and Ellia had a beautiful life together, until one fateful morning, when the people’s brains evolved, making them incredibly smarter.

Cyros awoke to find himself and Ellia trapped in cages surrounded by humans, waiting to kill both of them. Ellia saw that he was awake and screeched to him in their language. “We have to get out of here or all is lost!”

“I know, but I don’t know how.”

“There must be some way to get out!” Cyros felt very guilty not protecting her as much as he should have. Cyros looked at her in sorrow. “I’m sorry, Ellia. It’s hopeless.” When he said that, he realised it wasn’t hopeless. He could get out, but he didn’t think that Ellia could make it, so Cyros broke the cage and ran away from his fear, his love, and his life. Humans quickly caught up with him thanks to their inventions using wolves to pull sleds. He decided the only way he could escape was to dig. To dig, dig some more, and dig a lot and bury himself until the humans had departed. That’s exactly what he did.

Part 7

When Cyros ended his story, everyone was heartbroken. Nobody knew where Ellia was, and they wanted to find her as soon as possible. I reasoned with Battra not to kill the humans, and so did Mothra.

“Zillie, they took Ellia’s life! We can’t let them get away with this!” Battra complained. “Think about this, Battra. None of these people were alive when Ellia was killed, and we can’t punish innocent people, oblivious to what they think is a feat of strength!” I said. The conversation was ended right there. Kong reached for a banana tree holding a ginormous banana that Mecha designed and planted, even though plants aren’t his thing. That’s the kind of loyalty my island has, and I want to keep it that way, plus I can’t stand being next to Rodan, even if he told the truth about Cyros. He obviously didn’t care what I thought, he was still gonna annoy me.

“What are you doing, Zillie? I thought we were friends, now that I have regained your trust.” I roll my small eyes at him in disgust. “Just because you told the truth once, doesn’t mean that I completely trust you.”, I growled and left to feed my clan. Rodan decided to follow me, which I hated. “You do know that I’m just gonna keep following you until you accept me back into your clan, right? I just want a family.” he said sadly. I rolled my tiny eyes, but that seemed to make him even gloomier.

“Look Rodan. It’s sweet you let a stranger into our home to cry about his dead wife, but I can’t just forgive what you did. You tried to hurt my brother and take him away from us. I liked you, but you lied to me. You said Mecha would be fine, but look what happened! He now has to wear that metal armor! You hurt a big part in our family, and my heart. Not to mention Mecha’s FACE!” I screamed.

The fish I was hunting swam off, but a shark luckily didn’t see me and swam into my claws. When I got home, I brought home a hoard of sharks, a sea turtle that Rodan caught, and some kind of giant squid. We all had a small meal, and Rodan was to blame. Mecha looked hesitantly at Rodan, knowing that he wrecked my brother’s beautiful face. I glared at Rodan, and he shrank back in fear. Ghidorah growled, knowing something was up when Battra and Mothra arrived late, out of breath and stopping to rest their wings. Kong got up immediately. “What’s wrong, Mothra? Battra, can you tell us anything?” he asked in concern. After a while of breathing, Mothra replied, “HUMANS! Humans attacking…..go for cover….NOW!” Mecha flinched in surprise. “Humans? Why are they attacking us?” he asked. Rodan looked at me and Ghidorah’s three heads looked at Rodan. “Rodan, what did you do?” Mecha asked in despair. Rodan looked defiant and said, “It was Zillie who screamed. She attracted the humans!” He pointed at me with his wing. I stood there, fuming. It was apparent I was becoming charged. I lit up the night, making a beacon for every human to brave the triangle that is our home. We all could hear hovering inventions that the warriors used buzzing around the island. I looked up in fear, and in the corner of my eye, I could see Rodan with a wicked smile on his face. He backed up behind me and I turned around to see him attempt to claw out my eye. I screeched and Kong screamed. Battra flew up into the air, attempting to spit silk out on Rodan, but hit Ghidorah instead. All of us could hear the flying things the humans lived in, and I was pelted with claw marks from Rodan’s feet. Cyros lept into the water in fear, while Ghidorah flew off. Little did she know, there were a lot more flying things than what we could see in the dark and a brigade followed Ghidorah and Cyros. Mecha retreated to the center of the island in fear, for we were at the shore of the island. Mecha’s retreating triggered Rodan’s senses and immediately went after Mecha. “No! You can’t have him again!” I screeched. Kong heard me and dove for Rodan, but he slipped from Kong’s grasp. I lept with amazing strength to Rodan, but I was too late. Mecha was in Rodan’s grasp while Rodan growled selfishly and pried open Mecha’s detachable mask. He threw the mask to the ground to reveal Mecha’s horrid face. The arriving night made his face look more messed up. The contents of his face were a slacked eyeball that was half melted, a burned face, and a scarred and destroyed snout. His teeth were all gone, and he couldn’t move the muscles in his jaw anymore. One of his brows had melted over his other eye, making Mecha look hideous. So many times I have seen this face in the night and wished that I hadn’t have trusted Rodan in the first place. I wished I could have gotten my revenge. Rodan was now clawing even more at Mecha’s face, and Mecha was unable to react. I ran toward Rodan from the side and caught him by surprise. “You will pay for this! You will NOT HURT MECHA ANY MORE!”, I roared as Rodan looked at me in surprise. I grabbed onto his wings as he flew up into the sky in fear. The humans followed, trying to pelt me with tiny projectiles that stung, but did no real damage. Ghidorah was back by now and had sunk about half the brigade of flying things controlled by the people that were chasing her. Cyros also joined into the battle, roaring as he lept into the air and swung his ram-like horns side to side.

Ghidorah helped him battle the hovering craft that was pelting me with stinging projectiles. The humans kept shouting to each other, and they opened a new kind of fire, the kind of fire that really hurt. Just as a hovering cage of humans fired a much bigger projectile, I swung Rodan around me so he could take the hit. Rodan yowled in pain as I screeched in triumph. Uh Oh, I thought as we pummeled down to the ground.

Again, I switched around so that Rodan took the brunt of the fall. I told you that you would pay for this. I thought. I got up and looked at his face. I could see that he was still breathing, but still knocked out. I left him there and went for the aircraft that was attacking me. Kong was already attacking the enemy while Mecha was trying to put his mask on. I covered my unfortunate brother just as a large projectile was launched at Mecha. I felt a large amount of pain in my back, and I turned around to see that one of my spikes was broken off. I roared in agony as my broken spike fell to the ground. Mecha then got his helmet on and launched himself at the attacking aircraft. He jumped on it and brought it down to the ground with him as Cyros stepped on another aircraft. He swung his horns into a tree and got them stuck. I could hear Ghidorah’s left head screeching while I saw Ghidorah’s second head spew fire into a floating airliner. The third head bit another airliner in half as her tail coiled around Rodan’s wing. Kong was wrestling with a large ground mechanism that fell from a very large airliner and quickly heading toward Mecha and I.

“Zillie, I need you to get me something. I can’t see Battra or Mothra anywhere, so I need you to find them. Go to their home so you can find Battra’s pet. UNLEASH IT NOW!” he said in a panic.
“Mecha, I’m not leaving you here. You’re coming with me.” I replied. He shoved me away with his back claws digging into my stomach and I screamed. I was launched all the way to Mothra and Battra’s side of the island. There, I found a box that Mecha had created for Battra’s strange pet. From it were growling noises and screeches.

What is in that box? Should I really open it? Battra is known for being dangerous, and his pet(s) can be equally harmful. Mecha told me to, so I guess I have no choice, I concluded in my head.

I ripped open the box, and from the container lept an amazing number of strange flying things even smaller than the people. They were screeching so hard my small ears hurt. I screamed and tried to make do of my situation. Rodan was dead, Mecha was in danger, and so was the rest of my family. People had an assortment of projectiles that didn’t hurt at all, and some that did. Ghidorah’s first head signaled at me to come to her and Cyros, and I followed suit. When we gathered, I could see that Cyros was limping, and ice-blue blood was covering his forearm. I knew that Mecha had made some bandages to cover up flesh wounds, and I went to Mecha’s side of the island to fetch them.

When I got there, I was met by Mecha trying to smash three of Battra’s pets together, but failing. I watched in astonishment while getting the bandages as Mecha succeeded and the three creatures started to glow. The glow got brighter and brighter and all three of the monsters joined in golden brightness, creating another monster, another Ghidorah.

Part 8

Still new to the world, it screeched with no intelligence, and Ghidorah looked at it in confusion. "That's another me?" She asked. I was confused as well, but the armymen were attacking us, so we got straight to work. Both Ghidorahs knew their targets, and their aims were true. Battra, I can't believe you have this kind of stuff. I thought to myself. None of the other Dorats were combined yet, so we all had to take cover while the little things threw themselves at the helicopters, almost completely covering them. Cyros also helped, freezing the flying part of the choppers, and crashing them to the ground with his amazing jumping ability. Having felt the people were under control, I tended Mecha, bandaging him up even more. Kong was holding onto a chopper, shaking humans out of it with a ferociousness that I can't even begin to comprehend. Cyros was still bleeding, but doing well in battle, Mothra was trying to spin up a tank, and Battra was trying to do the same thing to multiple armypeople. "This isn't enough, they just keep coming!" I yell over to Mecha. "I know, but it's all we've got!" I thought of ways to get the uphill side of the battle, and a thought came to me. "What if we call for help, another friend, another comerade. What if we ask Anguirus for help?" I asked. Mecha looked at me in astonishment. "Anguirus is probably under the radar by now. How do you even know he's around?" he asked. "He's always there." I then shrieked to the top of my lungs, breaking electrics (except Mecha's gear, which was scream-proof), and blasting eardrums. "ANGUIRUSSSSS!!!!" I screamed. I continued battling as I heard waves splashing, and spikes clanging against each other. Out of the ocean lumbered a spiny, long tailed, sharp toothed, brown lizard who looked much like a lizard hedgehog. Anguirus is now here.

Like to see more? Like this and comment what should happen next! Have a good day!