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Gaiien Region: Gods and Demons: Linden Jr. and Abram

by Keleri

Keleri Bold, brash, and nearly impossible to embarrass, Linden Jr. (aka Astrid Bernhardsdottir) is a force of nature. She is an advanced trainer for her age (14) and has a full team of high-level pokemon, some of whom were her grandmother's companions, and their age and knowledge as well as their power make them worthy foes. She used her grandmother's team to rush the Kanto League at S-tier, and was considered a trainer to watch, although her family made sure she was mostly-insulated from the ugly online debates about pre-trained pokemon and boosting.

It was expected that she would go on to other high-level competitions or further league challenges, but her father Prof. Linden III insisted that she continue attending school. Linden progressed through the Hoenn League at a more normal pace with lower-leveled pokemon, training on weekends and holidays like most young trainers. Currently her marks have been suffering from boredom and teenage rebelliousness, and Prof. Linden brought her to an archeological digsite in distant Gaiien in the hopes that it would make her excited for academic pursuits again.

Her irrepressible nature doesn't show it, but Linden is lonely. She doesn't have many (human) friends her age due to her time in and out of school and her inability to stop talking about pokemon even when hinted, begged, or shouted at. Her encyclopedic knowledge of pokemon attacks and keen memory for battles makes her a strong opponent, and she is familiar with most competitively common pokemon as well as more niche moves and strategies.

Abram the Metagross is a very old pokemon, one of the first Metagross exhibiting the "industrial" forme that developed due to the arrival of the third crossing. He is covered in old scars from battling when healing technology was still improving, and from high-level wounds that were imperfectly healed even by modern equipment. These days, he battles rarely and is sustained by the strong bond he has with Linden, which allows human energy to be transmitted for his consumption. He is committed to Linden's safety and will battle or flee as needed to protect her at any cost.

Linden's shirt says "Vermillion City" and has a picture of Pikachu on it (Fat Pikachu or Riot), which makes it the pokemon world equivalent of those shirts you get in airport gift shops with, like, three dolphins on them and MIAMI in a sunset gradient.

Team: Abram (Metagross), Betsy (Wailord), Myrmel (Flygon), Ken (Blaziken), She-Who-Rends-By-Night (Weavile), Peggy (Ampharos)