Zapdos and Elesa

by Trainer-MartyHarmony

Trainer-MartyHarmony Elesa's fashion-photographic service with Zapdos!!!I've noticed that Elesa and Zapdos have same colors,yellow and black, and both are "electric" (Elesa use electric type and Zapdos is an electric type), Elesa is also a model:this is how I had the idea of this fanart!!! hope you like this,please let me know your opinion and if you have any pokè-art-request you can write in a message or in my profile!! :)
Aura, PokeStorm, Leeon and 3 others like this.
  1. Pheonix234
    Awesome cool cool legendary gym leader literally
    Jan 16, 2019
    Trainer-MartyHarmony likes this.
  2. Trainer-MartyHarmony
    @Lightning-emolga thank you for the reporting.I see that the comment is write in italian (that's why is not clear)..It's Google-Translate fault cause automatically it translate every language in italian , so also things I write it saves them in italian, if I don't block it in time.Now i re-write the comment in English. Hope you can understand now , anyway if you don't understand write me :) :angel::up:
    Jan 8, 2019
    Lightning-emolga likes this.
  3. Magic Sparkle
    Magic Sparkle
    Idk how to tag so i hope you will see it.

    In short words, everything (except the words elesa, zapdos and electric)
    Jan 7, 2019
  4. Trainer-MartyHarmony
    Jan 7, 2019
  5. Magic Sparkle
    Magic Sparkle
    Thats beautiful, but i cant understand a thing from what you said
    Jan 7, 2019
    Trainer-MartyHarmony likes this.