Yu-Gi-Oh Info

by Ry_Burst

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Ry_Burst So I'm planning on writing a series about a kid in a duel school. The first picture is him. His name is Ryker Yuko. He uses warriors, with a mixture of Elemental Heroes, XYZ cards and a basic Warrior swarm. His signature card, is Silver Neo Knight, who has a unique ability. He can be summoned by tributing one warrior on the field, and discarding one other from the hand. His other ability all depends on what warrior he is tributes with. It varies between either a Fusion Monster, Synchro Monster, XYZ or Effect Monster. I won't go into that now, but will be mentioned later on in the story.
The final picture is one of the duel watch, the dueling disk that people use. It can become compacted, but place a deck in it, and t reveals a deck slot and graveyard slot, and activates and energy disk. I also have a page set up for any ideas and brainstorming for other charcters. https://pokecharms.com/threads/yu-gi-oh-duel-academy-ideas.15853/
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