Yu-Gi-Oh! Adventures In Duel Academy: Yu-Gi-Oh! Adventures In Duel Academy Episode 5: Fright Night

by Generation Sect

Generation Sect Seth's self righteousness results in him having to solve Reuben's friends problems.
It was starting to get late, and Seth was on the way back to his dorm. He was more than satisfied with his work today, after dragging Reuben to class he'd continued to do his lessons, and it had been very easy. "Speaking of Reuben..." he muttered, as he saw the blonde Slifer Red chatting to a friend of his on the path corner. He interrupted Reuben, tapping him on the back. "I hope you intend to actually attend lesson tomorrow." Reuben looked scared, muttering under his breath like he had done earlier. "Oh great not this guy again... OF COURSE! Do I look like the kind of guy to be lazy and bunk off?" "I don't know, you tell me." Seth snarked. Reuben attempted to take back control of the situation. "WELL, actually, i nearly beat you and I'm a Slifer Red. You're an Obelisk Blue, I shouldn't even have a chance." Seth just tried his best to ignore that. However, Reuben was stopped by the Slifer Red he was talking to stepping in. "Reuben, you gonna introduce me or what?" He had curly red hair and some sort of accent that Seth couldn't quite place. "Oh, that's Seth. He was the Obelisk that caught me... uh... NOT bunking off lessons yesterday." He signalled towards the other Slifer Red. "This is Eli. He's a real greasemonkey, always working on machinery in the shed at our dorm." Seth sensed that he would be far less frustrating to deal with than Reuben. "I guess we should duel sometime then." He extended a hand out for a handshake, to which Eli accepted. "Sure. Although, I wanna start studying for the Tag duels course we gotta do soon, so I need to get a few of those done. Never tried it before." Seth was surprised he payed that much attention to the classes. "Oh. I didn't know that, thanks!"

-Later, in Reuben's room in the Slifer Red Dorm-

Reuben lay on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed, snoring in the small cramped room. Seth and Eli were still talking. "So you can't get the money?" Seth stated. "Nah. Nobody can pay me back for all the stuff I build for them yet. Some Obelisk Blue's been taking them to that Abandoned Dorm for 'ghost tours'." He replied. Seth was sort of shocked by this. "What abandoned dorm?" Eli was surprised. "You don't know? Huh, I guess it helps to break the rules sometimes. It's off limits, in the dangerous woods near the Ra Yellow dorm. Kid's been scamming people out of their money, making them pay to be taken there and then spooking them off with fake scares and stuff. Hate the guy, he's in Obelisk Blue, his family are already rich. Hell, I'm the one who needs money right now." He looked back up to Seth, realising how un-chilled he looked. "Uh, what's wrong?" "I'm gonna go and stop this fool! If nobody else will do it, I, as a proud Obelisk Blue student, must be the one to enforce good manners, respect and the rules of the school!" He triumphantly declared, waking Reuben up, who sputtered out some incoherent words. "Why you actin' like some sorta superhero man? You gotta learn to relax, like me, and just let stuff go..." Seth seemed unfazed, continuing on with his rant. "And not just for you Slifer Reds who are his victims, but for us Obelisks, on who his treachery reflects! I must shut him down for the sake of Obelisk's reputation as a house of pride, respect, honour, fair play and dignity!" The half-asleep Reuben cut in again, mumbling. "I think that boat sailed a long time ago. Everyone hates you guys." Eli joined in with some helpful information. "I mean, I can take you to the abandoned dorm! It's dark out, so i think we might be breaking some rules, but if you really wanna go..." Seth restarted his rant again. "I will do what must be done!" Reuben quickly shut him down. "I ain't goin' man. You can't make me."

Eli entered through the decrepit, creaky front doors of the Abandoned Dorm, basically dragging Reuben along with him. In the front hall, between two large sets of ornate and barely used stairs, stood a black haired child with piercing green eyes, in a uniform denoting him as an Obelisk Blue. "Ah, welcome fellow students? I assume you have come for a tour through the halls of this mysterious building? But beware, for I assure you, without me there is NO WAY OUT!" He spoke in a menacing voice. The doors swung shut behind them with a sudden gust of wind. Eli laughed, trying not to be too loud. "Actually, you're the one with no way out Caleb." The Obelisk Blue student turned around to the dark, cobweb filled hall behind him, noticing that somebody was there. Seth, with a smirk on his face. He realised the game was up, as Eli and Seth advanced in on him, cornering him. The opportunity to go up the sets of stairs had long since passed. He frantically attempted to make a bargain. "H-how about a duel?" His voice quickly started to regain it's composure. "If I win, I get to keep my little 'business' running." Seth winked to Eli, a sign that he was going to accept. "I'll take you up on that." He knew this would be harder than his duel against Reuben earlier. He had to win this, and Caleb may be a snivelling little con artists but he was also an Obelisk Blue. Eli stepped back, giving them both time to activate their duel disks and put some space between themselves. "IT'S TIME TO DUEL!"

"Since you so rudely challenged me, why don't you go first?" Seth nodded in acceptance, drawing his 5 cards. His light brown eyes lit up as he saw another new Tribute monster he'd been aching to try out. "I normal summon Steelswarm Caller, with 1700 Attack points! Now I'll set a card facedown in my spell and trap zone and end my turn." The lanky, humanoid metallic insect floated into the air, preparing for battle. Caleb didn't seem worried in the slightest, even though he was already in a pretty bad situation, not counting the duel. "I'll draw my 6 cards! Now, I activate the spell Fusion Sage, allowing me to add 1 Polymerization from my deck to my hand! Next, I'll activate a second spell, Unexpected Dai! It allows me to special summon The Snake Hair from my deck! Finally, for my third spell card, Polymerization! Fusing together The Snake Hair on my field and the Blackland Fire Dragon in my hand, I Fusion summon Skelgon!" The skull covered Zombie monster appeared on the field, in Defense position. Luckily, it only had 1900 Defense. "Now, I set a monster facedown and end my turn!" Seth laughed. He would take this turn easy. He drew, Infestation Infection. Nice, would be good to setup early. "I'll set a card facedown. Now I Tribute Steelswarm Caller, summoning the level 5! Steelswarm Mantis!" The black, bladed metallic insect appeared on the field from the Blue fires. "When I Tribute summon him, I can pay 1000 lifepoints to revive a Steelswarm from my Graveyard! I'll revive Caller, but that's not all! When I Tribute Caller for a Tribute summon, I can summon another Steelswarm monster from my deck! I'll summon Steelswarm Gatekeeper, in Defense position!" As his lifepoints fell to 3000, his field was swarmed by the two new monsters. "Now! It's time to battle!"
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