Wolf and the Ghost.: Wolf's Regret

by Night 'Wolf' Smith

Night 'Wolf' Smith Taking place after the events of Platinum, about five years, we find Wolf, dealing with the pain of Giratina's haunting, nightmares of that day up on the mountain, and trying to run his gym.
I always had this...pain in my heart. It's not His fault, it's mine. Corrupt from a young age, I can't fix the past. For what They did. Who are we just walk through this Void, the Distortion of Truth and Lies, are we just a pawn for Him, or is there more to this curse I hold? Sins of the Parents pass to the kids. -Wolf

Wolf woke in cold sweat. The same nightmare in his head. It tormented him. He lifted his wrist and looked at his watch; 3 o’clock. He shifted and put his feet on the ground. Setting his head in his hands he stood up and walked to his bathroom.

Running cold water into the sink and grabbing a rag he wiped his head. “Same dream boy?”

Wolf turned his head, holding the rag to his face. He knew the voice. “Why does it matter to you? You’re partly the cause.”

Wolf barely got the words out. He started back to the bedroom, looking in the mirror, watching the red eyes slowly grow bigger, staring into his soul. “I still don’t see why you stay with me, even after I let you go, you came back. What do you see in me?”

Silence is all Wolf got. “You don’t even know, do you?”

Wolf left the mirror and walked to his dresser. Grabbing his normal shirt and pants, he was quickly dressed. “Where are you going?”

Wolf looked to the bigger mirror he had in his room, the red eyes looking back. A deep sigh left his chest. “Why do you care?”

“As much as I do hate you deep down, I do care for you. You helped save Sinnoh and my Brothers. You saved me…” The voice was full of authority but slowly went into a soft whisper. “I know I’ve caused you pain in the past, and I cannot say sorry enough, but you must understand, it’s you that must let go.”

Wolf shook his head and started to walk out of the room. A tentacle shot from the mirror and grabbed him pulling him back to the mirror.

“Listen here, boy. It doesn’t matter what you think, or that kid down the street thinks. You have power you could’ve exploited, but you choose not to,” The tip of the tentacle poked where Wolf’s heart is. “Your heart is good, your mind knows what’s right, but it is you. Your Soul that knows deep down you could’ve lost everything. A simple reminder your Soul keeps.”

Wolf struggled in his grasp, starring at the eyes, seeing nothing but anger, pain, and lost. “I was killed, brought back and banished for my crimes, I was doomed to watch the world, slowly forgotten, but thanks to you I was able to be freed from my prison and shown what love and caring can do.”

Wolf was let go, dropping to the floor. “I…I-“

“Don’t you ever think I don’t care for you. I might not show it, but I am always watching out for you, I am your guardian angel. Now lay back down and go to sleep, it’s too late to be out.”