Why Do I Always Draw Cats?

by NightRaven

NightRaven Well, you guys deserve an explanation.
I'v been asked this question many times, occasionally in a mocking tone, in reality.

Why do you always draw cats?

Well, let's start from the beginning...

I didn't really start drawing much as a younger person (but I'm still young). I only drew in art class and didn't really do much outside of that.
I wasn't really interested in art. I didn't hate it, but I often never found the patience to do much of anything.
Then, I started drawing.
Except, they were just strange creatures I made up in my head. (I found some a few weeks ago, and I wanted to burn them)
Then, in fifth grade, I came across a series of books I'd heard do much about: Warriors.
I was extremely excited to read a book series I always wanted to, and I read through series after series...but it stopped at the end of The New Prophecy.
The school didn't have any of the other books, sadly, so I had to stop there.
That series sparked my mind into drawing nothing but cats. They looked like trash at the time (I still have a memory of one burnt in my head), but I continued to develop my works.
I...never grew up drawing people. No one really "taught" me how, and I never learned...
That's when the sneering came in.
Students mocked me just because of what I drew. I tried so hard to meet their expectations, but I ended up killing my work. The mockery continued on and on up to now, and I'm still laughed at.
I've been mocked about this for three years.
I never told anyone that people looked down upon me for this.
I never tried to stop them from laughing at me.
I just tried to hide in the back of my head, I tried to continue working...
It still hurts to this day.

I've always been laughed at for what I draw, what I read, how I look, and even for the things I enjoyed.
"Good gods, Myth! Now you're just whining about issues! Cut the angst!"
This isn't 'angst'.
This is just me...admitting to you all of my issues.

I never had a hand for anything else: just cats.
People even called me a "cat" just because I drew them and read Warriors.
They like to think that I'm...obsessed with cats. But I can assure you that I am not. The only thing I have to do with cats are art and reading.
That's litterally it.

I apologize that this explanation went so downhill...but that's how it really was.
For some reason, I let myself be bullied. I never stand up for myself because I feel it is worthless for me to do so, that I'd only fuel the fire.
I've had people ask me why people bully me or why I let them.
I just tell them

"I don't know."
  1. parisbuffet
    It's pretty crazy to hear you were bullied for drawing cats alone. It's understandable if someone could've looked at your emerging style and spotted some wonky things about it since you were new to the hobby, but nonetheless. I began with warriors as well (tons of people did haha, your not alone!) but it was via youtube/animaljam, not on my own account since I wasn't a super early reader like a small few were.

    Cats are like really really beloved among the artistic community and people in general? Simons Cat only revolves around the cuties and that animator is makin' bank so you really have nothing to worry about if your choosing cats as your sole forte! ♡ I could go on and list plenty more famed cat-themed icons in this society but I'm sure you could name more than me. ^_^
    Jan 4, 2018