Why Can Gyarados Float

by Steel Seth

Steel Seth Well.... I tried my best at theorizing the Scientific Way Gyarados can Float

Be sure to leave a suggestion :) Hope You Liked it :)
Easy Way: He is A Flying type DUUHH Flying types well.... USUALLY FLY!

"Scientific" Way: Gyarados manipulates the water in the air to stay afloat. Due to so little water molecules Gyarados must use alot of molecule that is why in the Games He looks a little slow. (But he is actual fast)

This goes for ANY Water type Pokemon even Sharpedo, what is cool and wierd about Sharpedo is that it looks like he needs NO water BUT, I think he use the water in the air to not die its simple he takes the water in the Air and Passes through its gills rapidly that is why he is Fast. He flies fast because the water passes through his gills so he LEGIT has to run for its life...
Sorry this was mostly about Sharpedo but hope you liked this Theory!
Leeon likes this.
  1. Leeon
    I completely concur with your theory. Excellent deductions sir.
    Jan 5, 2019
  2. Steel Seth
    Steel Seth
    Thank you ^^
    Jan 30, 2016
  3. Sylvious
    As (A bit) of a "sciencey" person myself, those facts seem true. Nice theory! (Its not really a theory it's really a fact)
    Jan 30, 2016
    Leeon and Steel Seth like this.