We... Loved Her....

by SparkyLewis949

i loved her.png
SparkyLewis949 Denki might be an aromantic asexual, but he still loved Blur. Now, @The Blue Blur, here's your Sonic reference...
Localised, TooBlue12 and WindRyder like this.
  1. SparkyLewis949
    @Mewtwofan259 Her mom found out we were dating and because she's homophobic, she took away Blur's electronics, texted me PERSONALLY, telling me I was forbidden to speak to her and has been controlling Blur's account to delete arts, turned up the privacy settings, blocked (and I think unfollowed) me, etcetera
    Apr 30, 2016
  2. Mewtwofan259
    What happened? Did Blur get banned? I can't get onto their profile. (I say their because I was never told His/Her gender)
    Apr 30, 2016