PokeProfiler Battles: VS Roman Torchwick

by NerdyNinja

Roman Torchwick Battle.png
NerdyNinja A little work i finished yesterday, where you get to battle it out with the one and only Roman Torchwick

Roman: Like any of you would really stand a chance though :D

Me: Umm... right- Lets look at the team. He has a
Blaziken (Holding Blazikenite)
Rotom (Heat)
Lycanroc (Midnight form)
And A Honchcrow

Torchwick: I may be out of theiving but my pokemon arnet out of battling, lets see if any of you puny wimps can stand a chance against me. 6 on 6 battle, I challenge you
  1. NerdyNinja
    Torchwick: Alright kid, lets see what you got *Tosses a pokeball and Heat rotom comes out*
    May 9, 2017
  2. @_SP00KSTER_ZARD_
    May 9, 2017
  3. NerdyNinja
    May 8, 2017
  4. @_SP00KSTER_ZARD_
    I dare battle him
    May 6, 2017
    NerdyNinja likes this.
  5. NerdyNinja
    XD That would be ironic if that were the case, but thn for pointing it out :)
    May 5, 2017
  6. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    I know but Nightmare is...well with a name like that how can you expect her to be very nice?
    May 4, 2017
  7. NerdyNinja
    That was a typo :p
    May 4, 2017
  8. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    Nightmare: Nobody wants to battle someone who can't say Trainers right honey

    Crystal: Hey Nightmare

    Rayne: Why are you always right Nighty?
    May 4, 2017
    NerdyNinja likes this.
  9. NerdyNinja
    Thats ok, not everybody is
    Roman: *Yawns* Boring- Aren't there any good trainers around?
    May 2, 2017
  10. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    Crystal: I'm not a battler

    Rayne: *Shrugs* I don't care
    May 2, 2017
  11. NerdyNinja
    (Music for this battle)
    May 2, 2017
  12. NerdyNinja
    May 2, 2017
  13. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    Crystal: Puny wimps isn't the nicest thing

    Rayne: Haven't you ever heard of friendly competition?
    May 2, 2017
    NerdyNinja likes this.