Hyas: UAAA Observation Log : first sighting

by limniris

Unovan Association of Amateur Astronomers

Observation Log

1:29 AM
Eastern Route 4, Unova

M45 (the Pleiades)
Constellation: Tau
Object Type: Open Cluster
RA: 3h 47m 29s
Dec: +24° 6' 19"
Magnitude: 1.6

Instrument: OSVP 6LE
Focal Length: 200mm
Aperture: 150mm

Twenty to thirty stars are usually visible with ease in this part of the sky, and all were accounted for as usual. The observation of note was the addition of an oval shape, of unknown distance, held in between the northern stars. It situated itself closer to the Earth than expected, but in moving location I briefly lost sight of it, so this shall be recorded as an astronomical observation regardless.

The object shone largely white, as any star should, but there were six spots of discoloration upon it. I brought out my larger telescope (OSVP) at this point. Upon doing so, I saw that the discolorations were in a pattern: red-green-yellow, red-green-yellow. The green spots were situated slightly lower than the others, bringing a faint zigzag to the whole line. Closer inspection with the OSVP revealed another yellow patch more to the top of the object, of the same shade as the yellow spots below.

While many of my observations of the Pleiades have gone unhindered by distraction, Route 4's native wildlife chose this opportunity to dig into my yard and attempt to bury my telescope. I will be buying Sandile repellent to carry with me, but the oval object vanished in the time it took to fend off the Pokemon, and I was unable to continue further viewing. Attached is a picture taken of the object via my telescope.