Two brothers

by Bumbletime

Two brothers.png
Bumbletime So, Loki and his Brother, Broken Crown

One a manipulative, overshadowed, liar driven by hate for his brother, just wanting someone, anyone to love him.
One once beloved, but who's shadow fell dark upon the brother he loved

Loki never forgave himself for what his brother became. He had everything, the love of everyone around him, all he could ever need or want. Broken Crown had it all too, but the one thing Loki had most of, love. This is what drove Broken Crown to eventually try and kill his brother, so he could become king and finally get the love he deserved.

Loki truly loved his brother, but never found a way to tell him

So, thats Broken Crown, the brother of Loki Doki.

But hey, at least he has one thing Loki Dosen't!

gReAT hAiR!
  1. Bumbletime
    Aug 18, 2019
    qlovers likes this.
  2. qlovers
    hAiR iS haiR tHEy Both hAVe gReAt hAiR!!!1/1/1/1/1/1/1!!111//1/1/1
    Aug 18, 2019
    Astrapi likes this.