T'Trenkou - Sprite, Challenge and 3DS

by CombuskenBrazil

T'TrenkouBattle.png T'TrenkouChallenge.png HNI_0097.JPG
CombuskenBrazil Sprite - That was a hard sprite! (Instead of a backpack, he has a briefcase/handbag!)

Challenge - Hum, a bit easy to medium... (Holding the red Pokédex)

3DS - Nah, easy. (These black marks of the scar are shadows of the Ghost Pokémon who did this) (And, yeah, wrong colors, sorry)

Now, you can have fun. (And tell if it was good or not! :p)
  1. CombuskenBrazil
    Feb 11, 2015
  2. Aaronimations
    i like it all
    Feb 11, 2015