My OCs: Trivvy drawn in Animal Crossing NL

by Midnight Heart

Trivvy AC 07-26-2021 07-42-19.png Untitled 07-26-2021 07-42-19.png
Midnight Heart This is a thing of Trivvy that I drew in Animal Crossing, because I was bored and wanted to see if I could draw one of my OCs, and they were the first one that popped into my head. You may be wondering how I got this from in-game to here to post it, the answer is: I figured out the size of the canvas in Animal Crossing, (32 X 32) changed my Pixel Studio canvas to that size, and then went back and forth from the in-game picture to Pixel Studio and did my best to copy it pixel by pixel. As far as I can tell, I got everything exactly the same, though it was much harder to do than it sounds.

The first one, AKA the one with brighter colors, uses the exact colors I used for the in-game picture, which were the closest colors I could get to Trivvy's normal colors. The second one is exactly the same as the first one, but I used Trivvy's actual colors for it.

Let's see how many times I can draw this precious clown before I get tired of drawing them
  1. Willow Tree
    Willow Tree
    NEVER GET TIRED OF DRAWING PRECIOUS CLOWN!!! I am drinking in all this Trivvy content chug chug.
    Jul 27, 2021
    Midnight Heart likes this.