Bismuth 2V-1537-fasset 12: "To Earth" Entry #2

by DartrixTheIntrovert

DartrixTheIntrovert Bismuth is going to earth, and it's going to be great.
They decided to send me to earth, a newly found planet we were to colonize. Most of the gems I was close to always said I was good for nothing when it came to working. But what they didn't know was that I was the one designing what they were building. But aquamarine knew. Even the highest up as an aquamarine recognized I was good for something. So her pearl sent me a message saying they wanted me to help with the designing of buildings for earth. I was ready for the challenge. They wouldn't bring me down for this. I was going to earth, and I was going to be better than the rest.
Bismuth 2v-1537-fasset 12
Entry #2