Comics: The Package

by Dim Dim

pagey 1.jpg
Dim Dim I'm making a new series with Splash and Dim, they get a package, but the delivery pokemon delivered it to the wrong house. Now they're searching around to see who has bought the package.

EDIT: lol never bothered to make the second page sorry :c
  1. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    Skitty Delcatty! :D (Pokemon version of kitty cat XD)
    Feb 20, 2017
    DimtheWeavile likes this.
  2. Eevee is who I am
    Eevee is who I am
    Oh now I see that
    Feb 5, 2017
  3. Dim Dim
    Feb 5, 2017
    Eevee is who I am likes this.
  4. Eevee is who I am
    Eevee is who I am
    What's inside
    Feb 4, 2017