The Nomad's Team: Part 1: The Mystery Behind Kangashkania: Chapter 1: Air Vent Mishap

by Mikaito Wood ELITE

Mikaito Wood ELITE Just the bio of Kangashkania
"Hey! Kanga! Let's go!" mom yelled. I grabbed my PokeGear. I'm not sure I can do this, I thought. I'm Kangashkania, and I'm about to receive my Trainer Card from...what was it...the Trainer's Bureau! All I know is that Team Wood Grunt ♂ is planning to show up. It's not like I wanted to go, I had to! "Hurry up!" yelled my brother, Team Wood Elite Mikaito. By the sound of his words, I realize how unhappy he is.
Some. Time. Later...
"Come, welcome, in here. I'm just waiting on Team Wood Grunt ♂ to show up." said Mrs. Bastodon. I shivered. "It's cold," I said. The lady nodded. The Team Wood Grunt entered the room. "We can begin," started the lady. "First, line up. We're doing it here, at my house, since the bureau is closed. It is a Sunday, after all." I nodded, taking the front. The lady handed me a letter. "I'm sorry, Kangashkania, but you need a parent to approve you before your card can be mailed to your house."

"Mailed?" I asked. The lady nodded. "Same with you, Team Wood Grunt ♂."
"New policy, eh?" I asked. The lady nodded. "Yes, very much so. Team Spark burned Blaze will shdown our TCH, Trainer Card Holding, office. We've moved them to the bureau front desk, but now w-we require those forms." Something fell to the floor. A Team Spark Elite pin. The lady picked up the pin. "My name is Blaze, by the way," she said. A smile formed on her lips. "Now, as you can see, I have placed three Pokéballs before you. One of them contains the key out of this room. Be aware, after two wrong guesses, you'll be forced into Team Spark! and the key will be mine!!!! BWAAHAHAHAH! (This applies only to Kangashkania, haha.)"

I looked through Pokéball 1. No key. The same was with Ball 2. Now I was to become a Team Spark Grunt? Two men had handcuffed me when I turned back, and now the stronger of the two had me on a lead and was leading me to a room at the end of a dark hallway. "Now, child." said Blaze. I turned away. LIAR! Blaze lied! I looked at Blaze, finally. "Sit. Let me do this. Guards, please."

I blacked out.

Something woke me. I blinked. Four other inductees surrounded me. "Welcome to Camp Spark!" they said, a monotone in their voices.
"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" I asked. The first inductee snarled. "Camp Spark, silly. Blaze will show you where to go."

I snorted. "Yeah, right." Guards barred all exits of this so-called 'camp', and I was hungry. "When is dinner?" I asked. Inductee 1 said, "When Blaze finished cooking, it is."
"Psh, as if."

"Lady Blaze," someone said. "The inductees need a room, no?"
"Yes, Red." said Blaze.
"Now, where am I? You'll be able to leave in a week, yes you will."


"Hey, wake up. Your card has arrived."