The Night Adventures of an Umbreon

by Raezyr

Raezyr A Poem about the Adventures of an Umbreon.
Ten PM, trainer is asleep,
I am at the window, looking at this Mareep.
His owner brushes his wool
I want that, it is so cool.

Deciding to leave,
I look at my brother, Eevee.
When is he going to evolve?
That's a riddle to solve.

I leap out of the window.
My friends are asleep now.
The TV only has boring stuff.
Let's steal some stuff!

I plan my mischief,
My eyes glisten.
The late-night market is open,
The automatic door opened.

People smile at me,
I am not there to please.
I just steal a pokéball,
Now I'm going to the mall.

And I forgot,
It's 12PM and Open, it is not.
Nothing interesting here,
But that Vending Machine.

I use Psychic in it,
A soda pop came out.
If I take this to my Trainer,
He is going to freak out.

"You stole this?"
He will be displeased.
I decide to leave,
The bottle right here.

I go back to my home,
My trainer is gone.
I hear my name, out loud.
It's him, searching for me, now.

I am an Umbreon,
And this is who I am!