The Great Misadventure: Cover

by Tamazarokon

Tamazarokon So new written work series comin up called 'The Great Misadventure!' Not given out any info, other that the main characters will be Ebonee, Trify, Flower, and that little Togedemaru who is a new OC and name will not be revealed.
Ry_Burst and TooBlue12 like this.
  1. Tamazarokon
    @Ry_Burst it's a rocky helmet, so yes. Headbutts galore.
    Jan 26, 2018
    Ry_Burst likes this.
  2. Ry_Burst
    I see he has a helmet. All better to Headbutt things!!!!!
    Jan 26, 2018
    LuckyMug likes this.