Random stuff from the Pokesona Corner: The Cosplay Complication

by Ariados twice

Ariados twice The Gang talks cosplay.
Mona: We have considered cosplaying a few times, but there weren't exactly any group costumes that were Poochyena-friendly.
Umbra: So we decided to cosplay random characters instead.
Tai: I call dibs on Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Prior: Okay.
Umbra: I can totally picture Prior as Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Tai: There's a thought. So who are you going to be Mona?
Mona: Some of the ones I'm considering are Sailor Moon and Wonder Woman. How about you, Umbra?
Umbra:*Blushes* I don't know. Maybe Sora Takenouchi from Digimon Adventure?
Prior: Um.... We may need a bit of assistance from the audience.
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  1. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    May 15, 2017
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