Pokemon Survivors: The battle to start all

by Mrmimelover24800

Their was a attachment to Harvey's house itbwas the pokemon daycare and up the stairs was Clare and Amelia's rooms.

Simbad Jed and Grace were on a tour around all the ruins. When the tour was finished they headed to the temple where they bumbed into Lily and Rayne. Lily summoned arceus to call upon dialga and palkia. Dialga and palki appered but Giratina arrived too and started attacking arceus ,dialga and palkia so Rayne sent out magerna followed by Simbad Jed and Grace sending out hoopa and mew. The 6 pokemon defended agains giratina. This was too much so giratina reterned too the destorshion world.
  1. Mrmimelover24800
    Hope every one reading loves watching.
    May 5, 2018