Fire Emblem: Tharja

by -AlexTheMimikyu-

-AlexTheMimikyu- anatomy’s a bit off...but other than that kinda proud of it i guess?
qlovers, ~Rinko~, kyuukestu and 3 others like this.
  1. -AlexTheMimikyu-
    @E.K.A.N.S. ikr- have you seen the rest of the girls from the fire emblem video game series?- i suggest Hilda Valentin Goneril, Byleth (female), Camilla (my pfp, not her regular outfit though), Dorothea Arnault, Lyn, Rhajat...a lot. *v*
    Jan 1, 2020
    E.K.A.N.S. likes this.
  2. E.K.A.N.S.
    Anatomy’s a bit off? The guys would beg to differ.
    Jan 1, 2020
    -AlexTheMimikyu- likes this.