Sylvia Reviar: Canvalus

by YourLittleSylvia

YourLittleSylvia So I think this artsy character should be Sylvia (my alias). Her paints are her source of power and they're magical, each color creating a kind of effect that specifically does NOT hurt anyone.

Originally, she was meant for Super Smash Bros., but then I decided, with the help of @Gamefreak1996 , to change the Smash Bros. thing to a secondary story (and no, she won't do the same thing as Inkling; it's different, I swear).

I figured out her special moves and her standard attacks and even her taunts. However, I'd like to explain a bit about the world she comes from, first. It's called the world of Magical Art. If she were in a video game of her own, it would probably be called either Magical Art or Art of Fantasy. She's basically a young artist in a world of magic who thinks that art can be used for more than appealing images. (Keep in mind that this world is modern and it magic is a commonplace thing, while most other stories have something similar to medieval times when using magic as common the main world--I'm lookin' at you, Fire Emblem. I still love you tho--Anyway, Sylvia thinks art can be used for something better. Something different. So she used her magic and infused her power into her paint and became a fighting character. I don't quite know about the plot of this world yet, since I just created this character, but I'm thinking something along the lines of magic growing out of control.

Anyway, she has several different colors for several different abilities. Red is an attack deflector (launches attacks back at someone else), orange is buffs (support magic, increasing either the power of a teammate or the duration of her own paint magic), yellow is increased speed, so much so that it's hard to control, green is a trap (the person who gets caught is stuck to the ground for a few seconds), cyan is ice effects (people slide around and have a hard time regaining their footing), blue is random warp, purple is decreased power, pink is healing for either herself and/or a teammate (assuming there are teams in Smash), white is knockback shield (a bubble of energy that knocks her opponents back upon contact), black blocks the vision of others, gray is random intervals of altered gravity, and brown is slowness. She can also mix colors on her palette to create mixed magic, but then that gets WAY too complicated. And even she doesn't know all of the magic powers she has in her colors yet.

Now! On to the attacks!

Standard Attack: Flings paint all around herself

Standard Side: Flings paint to the side

Standard Up: Flings paint upward

Standard Down: Flings paint downward when in midair or flings paint all around herself when on the ground with a wider range to hurt more opponents

Side Taunt: Waves her paintbrush around and sprays harmless paint everywhere, ending in a cute pose with her paintbrush behind her.

Up Taunt: Tosses her paintbrush into the air and catches it skillfully, again, spraying harmless paint.

Down Taunt: Thinks for a moment, pulls out her lined notebook, and writes something in it with her pencil.

Standard Special - Rainbow Palette: Change color (and element) of paint in a similar fashion to that of Shulk.

Side Special - Paint Charge: Hands get covered in paint, paint flies around her, and she charges in one direction. Effects vary on the element and color of her paint.

Up Special - Acryllic Skywave: Arms get covered in paint as she flies up on a wave of paint that lasts about three or four seconds. Damages anyone in her path.

Down Special - Paint Vortex: Surrounds herself in a paint vortex, protecting herself.

And since @Gamefreak1996 did the whole intro thing, I suppose Sylvia's is this:

Sylvia Reviar resolves a win!

...I know, it's boring. Don't judge me...
  1. YourLittleSylvia
    @ThatJustin'sASpy! Thank you!
    Jul 19, 2018
  2. TheJustinMann
    Inspiration is coming into my head because others got to doing this, and I have been procrastinating. Beautiful, by the way. Now, off to work.
    Jul 19, 2018
  3. YourLittleSylvia
    Jul 17, 2018
  4. Gamefreak1996
    Jul 17, 2018
  5. YourLittleSylvia
    @Gamefreak1996 Oh, I just reread this whole thing... I remember I changed it so that she doesn't cause any kind of damage to the opponents at ALL. She's a different kind of Smash character who focuses on pacifist ways to end the fights. She mostly protects herself, knocks other people back, and pretty much messes with their controls and everything; her magic paint causes them to pretty much walk on eggshells while trying to fight, and this was all before Splatoon became a part of Smash Ultimate, so... yeah...
    Jul 17, 2018
  6. YourLittleSylvia
    Oh, you think so? This is kinda super old by now, but I remember everything (except the colors she uses and what they do). I can definitely do that, if you want @Gamefreak1996
    Jul 17, 2018
  7. Gamefreak1996

    *Inspiration bell rings* I think a new RP might be in order. Could help you develop both the character and the world a bit more, too. What do you think?

    Also, I'm quite impressed by this artwork.
    Jul 16, 2018
  8. YourLittleSylvia
    Thanks! I just drew another art or this same girl surrounded by paint. It looks kinda epic, but I'm not sure how "epic" it actually is. Should I upload it anyway?
    Jul 21, 2017
    Excalibur Queen likes this.
  9. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    This is really good! You have a really good sense of anatomy! Keep up the good work!
    Jul 21, 2017
    Excalibur Queen likes this.