The adventurers of Warriorsville: Swords and Dungeons part 20

by Scrafty

Scrafty Alex joins with his partner Daniel
Lucas: Ack! I am tired.
Don: Well I am still a little scared of yesterday, but I donot think that the kid is a Zombie.
Terry: Help. A human.
Lucas: Oh my gosh! Is it that human from yesterday.
Don: Let's check it out.
Moren: Well, Terry may be over reacting with his hallucinations!?
Jacub: Well I need a rest.
Sally: I am not bothered to go.
Don: Well I am going.
Lucas: Well I will go then.:?
Alex: Hello.
Terry: Hi-I.
Don: Hi.
Alex: Oh hi. My name is Alex
Don: I am Don.
Lucas: Well I am Lucas.
Terry: I am T-terry
Alex: I want to join the group.
Terry: It's only for pokemon not Pokémon catching humans.
Alex: Can I join.
Terry: Well you have to ask Arceus to change you. He is the pokemon god. Plus you can choose a partner too.
Alex: I want to be a Hemoxer. And I wan't me partner to be a Tiunerdsa, named Daniel.
Arceus: Wish granted!
Alex: Woah. I am a Hemoxer. I am a psychic type.
Arceus: What personality do you wan't Daniel to be like?
Alex: Snazzy and funny.
Arceus: Hobby.
Alex: Playing soccer!
Arceus: Ok.
Daniel: Ack, where did I come from? Where are my sunglasses, bro?
Alex: It's a miracle.
Terry: Well what group you want to join.
Alex: I will join Don's group.
Don: Okay. Well we are going to have to tell the others.
Moren: Aaah! Don't wake me up in the middle of my sleep, bro! And who is this.
Don: Alex and Daniel.
Alex: Ack! It's you!
Moren: Who?
Alex: You almost killed me!
Moren: You!
Sally: Augh! What's happening. Oh my god. A cool looking pokemon there.
Daniel: What's happening.
Sally: You are snazzy bro.
Jacub: Hello.
Daniel: Hi.
Jacub: Hi.
Daniel: This dude is creeping me out, bro.
Jacub: Yeah. He used to be some kind of a zombie.
Daniel: Want to hang out at the pub.
Jacub: Well ok. I am bored.
Moren: You better not catch any pokemon again.
Alex: Ok. I am not a human anymore so yeah.
Moren: Ok. So you better not lie.
Well that ends this part.