Sprite Recolors and stuff (Oh hey I'm not dead)

by Tamazarokon

Orange and Blue Vulpix.png Shimmer the spheal.png Fu 1.png Echo.png Cosmoem!Duosion.png
Tamazarokon Hey guys! So this might be a little confusing cause I changed my name and pfp unexpectedly, I'm EonVulpix. ^~^ I've been doing some sprite recolors and I'm showing them off to like announce that I'm not dead. I have some art that I should show off, and I'll do that (one day), so BE READY FOLKS.

I know I don't need to credit these, but eh, all sprites are property of Game Freak
Ariados twice and Joy~ like this.
  1. Tamazarokon
    Jan 22, 2018
  2. Baxter and Oliver
    Baxter and Oliver
    Hey its me your best friend and i stole your pen.
    Jan 21, 2018
    LuckyMug likes this.