Pokemon OCs: Sophie Lachapelle

by limniris

Name: Sophie Lachapelle
Species: Audino
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Appearance: Pre-infection, Sophie was blond with brown eyes. She wore her hair in a long braid.
Post-infection, her hair has become a pale pink and her eyes are in the process of lightening to blue. Her hearing has also been affected, becoming much more sensitive. As a result, Sophie cannot stand loud noises or bright lights.
Personality: Sophie is a kind, understanding woman. Her natural empathy is one of her strongest traits—heightened now by Audino genes. She’s never been particularly timid, but with the shock of everything that happened, she’s since had difficulty talking to others (particularly the suspicious hazmat-clad workers). In pain as she is, her composure is often broken either by harsh light or a cacophony of sound. Yell at her and she’ll take it as an assault, possibly to the point that she may fight back.
Backstory: Sophie was a science teacher prior to infection. After obtaining her degree, she moved far from her home in order to teach at one of the best schools she could find. She was exposed to the virus by one of her students, who was infected during the first use of the cure. Sophie has basic knowledge of viruses and microbiology, but she has not studied PKR-H-0193 and has no prior experience with it.

I have a few OCs from older charms RPs, and I still like some of them enough that I wanna post em. Kudos if you know which RP Sophie was gonna be for! I've only seen a few gijinka RPs here that took a horror route, but this was definitely one of my favorites.