So, I think the Channeler from Let's GO is neat...

by Curtkid

Let's GO Channellor final .jpg
Curtkid I'm not a man for waifu's, but dang if I don't love the Channeler's from Pokemon Let's Go. Or maybe I just like long-haired girls in robes...I mean, I think she looks cute.

Aaaaanyway, fairly happy with how this came out, I tried to keep her "creepyiness" in my pictures while still making her appear cute. For those who don't get the jokes, all of the Channeler's in the games are implied to be possessed by their Ghost Pokemon except for two, the one who makes a healing circle for you, and another who confuses you for a zombie. For the sake of this picture, I'll just say they're all the same Channeler.

This picture took a bit longer then normal because I had to figure out a few new tricks in Kitra to merge two pictures together because I made the original sketches in my sketch book a bit too big for my scanner. So, yeah, that added an extra hour or two to production.

Either way, thanks to everyone who likes, comments, and ect.

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and the Pokemon Company...who made throwing Pokeballs at Pokemon surprisingly cathartic...until you get towards the end game and it becomes a dice roll of successfully catching a Pokemon even if you land an Excellent Throw with an Ultra Ball.
  1. PokeStorm
    Feb 6, 2019