Fakemon: [SKETCH] Ghoulick

by ElectriBird

ElectriBird You know how on the first gastly card, there's a wall with graffiti on it, and that there's a cute little face on said wall? I got that in a generations pack, and a friend thought I should make a pokemon out of it, so I did! This little cutie is a ghost/water type, ghost from it's origins, and water because I based it off of an axolotl. It has two evolutions, which I will draw and explain later. also that thing sticking out of it is a tail. I cannot get it to look right on my 3ds. :T
  1. ElectriBird
    @I Never I feel kind of mixed about drawing on a 3ds, to be honest. :p I've only drawn on it yesterday and this morning after a long time.
    Apr 1, 2017
    I Never likes this.
  2. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    This looks really good for a 3ds drawing,
    I try my best, but I just can't draw on that little bottom screen (except for Mimikyu and Ditto)
    Apr 1, 2017
    ElectriBird likes this.