The Team of Justice: Shadow's Explaination

by JesusSaves777

Team Justice and Team A.C.T separately search for Shiftry at Mt. Steel. Shadow's team arrive on the top floor. "We were too late. No one is up here." Shadow said in disappointment.

"Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" A mysterious voice screeched.

"What was that!!?" Blaze cried in fear. Down came the electric legendary bird pokemon!

"Zapdos!" Christian exclaimed.

"What have you down to Shiftry!?" Shadow shouted, charging his power.

"He interrupted my slumber! What I did to him, is what I am going to do to YOU!" Zapdos struck Christian with a lightning bolt! Christian instantly fainted! "Christian!" Blaze ran over to Christian.

"Now you've done it! I will make you regret that!" Shadow charged up his power and hit Zapdos with a full blast! Zapdos hit the ground with a big CRASH! Alakazam's team came in. "You defeated Zapdos! How!!?"

"Never go on my bad side." Shadow said still filled with rage.

"Looks like Christian is in bad shape. I brought an extra Revive Orb just in case this might happen." Alakazam used the Orb on Christian. Christian woke up.

"You beat him!" Christian cried with joy.

"Thank you for rescuing me." Shiftry came out of no where.

"No problem!" Blaze said cheerfully.

"Let's go before Zapdos wakes up." Alakazam said.

"Indeed." Shiftry said. When they got home Shadow started lighting up.

"Shadow what's happening to you!?" Christian shouted.

"Shadow is somehow evolving into Torracat." Alakazam said feeling puzzled.

"What!!?" Charizard exclaimed in shock.

"I don't understand. I thought pokemon stopped evolving centuries ago." Blaze said feeling confused. Alakazam looked at Shadow feeling suspicious. "hmmm..." Once it stopped Shadow walked towards Alakazam. No need to be suspicious. I will explain to you when we meet in our secret place." Shadow whispered then walked in the Team Justice base.

"I knew it! Shadow was hiding something after all!" Christian said.

"What are we gonna do about it?"

"We're gonna follow him to his secret place!"


"Yeah! Teams don't keep secrets! Let this be a lesson to him!"

"Wouldn't it be wrong to go into his personal life?"

"No way! It's wrong to keep secrets from your best friends! Are you in or not?"

"I-if you say so." They pretended to be asleep. Shadow left to meet Alakazam without noticing Christian and Blaze following him. "So explain to me why I shouldn't be suspicious?" Alakazam asked Shadow.

"Where did you even come from anyway if you aren't human?" Tyranitar asked.

"I was born in planet called Merotropheous. Merotrophe means teleport. My mother's name was Talia and my father's name was Lord Garis. We were a royal family. Shall we go further in time?"

"Indeed." Alakazam said.

"Eighteen years later we had a festival called Merotrophe. It is when we celebrate the teleportation of our planet every year. As we were celebrating, a mysterious being silenced the festival and introduced himself as Merotrophe. He claimed to have the power of teleportation every time someone said his name. Then he threatened to destroy my world! As the guardian of all life, I fought back. However since I was only eighteen, I had no chance. He knocked me back and made me look like a joke. I lay there defeated watching him destroy everything. When he killed my family, that was the last straw! I was filled with rage! I blasted him with power, but as I fought him, I destroyed the planet by mistake. which is why I no longer show emotion or use my power for revenge. He teleported to Earth, but I wasn't going to let him get away! I went after him. Fifty years I spent fighting him until he feared my power and teleported again. He teleported to this world and now he is planning to destroy it! Which is why I must hunt him down before he can lay a finger on it! Then I got exhausted and fainted. That is when I was found by Blaze and Christian. At first I thought they were creatures that were pets, but then I realized it was their own world. Somehow I ended up as a Litten, and Merotrophe ended up as a Ditto. Now I guard and protect them with my life as if they were my own."

"What is your power anyway? Show us your power." Charizard said.

"I only use my power if I have to. If Merotrophe shows up, I will have no choice, but I can't use it to show it off. It would kill anybody but Merotrophe. However I would never do such a thing. My duty is to protect, not to destroy." Shadow said.

"If you are so powerful then why did you join Blaze and Christian for adventure?" Charizard asked.

"They are the key to finding Merotrophe."

"Oh, so the only reason you joined our group was so you could find Merotrophe? Tch, should've knew we were nothing but a joke to you. Come on, Blaze." Christian and Blaze stormed off with tears in their eyes.

"Wait that's not what I-" Christian took off with Blaze before Shadow could explain himself. Shadow went after them. Alakazam's team followed.