September 16, 2015

by Stelluna

Stelluna Welcome to my blog-thingy.
Hai guys, it's Stel, and I've come to share my life with you all. As you all know life can suck, and so does my writing. Try to ignore that as you delve deeper into my life. Enjoy and have fun bros!

September 16, 2015

School was more unbearable today than it ever has been. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad if I didn't have to get up so early, so I generally cannot remember what happens in the morning. I was waiting for the bus in the freezing cold of the morning and the bus arrived a whopping 1 whole hour late. No joke. I didn't get to eat any food, and I was surprisingly not hungry. My friend didn't get on the bus, so I was pretty lonely.

With that aside, I have been sharing my locker with 2 of my friends, but a teacher caught us, so we can't do that anymore. I still don't understand why we can't share lockers.

My first period is guess what; Social Studies. As if I couldn't have a subject anymore ballstastically boring as my first subject. I often don't remember what happens before lunch; That's a whole 4 periods. What pisses me off even more is that there was a scientific study proving that it isn't good for teens (or just children in general maybe) to get up before 10 am. I drift off often before lunch and I still somehow manage to grasp onto my As and A+s...

Bullies. Bullies are the worst, whether they intend to hurt your feelings or not. Here's some advice worth listening to: Despite how much you may want to rip out their throat, don't. They're just jealous of you and want to make you feel terrible. Sometimes, even friends can be mean; maybe not on purpose, though.

I was on the bus and I was talking to a friend of mine (Who's name I will keep confidential to protect that person), you know friends can be sometimes, right? Well, sometimes friends can be irrational. We were talking, and she just... I'll just say what she said didn't make me feel so good about myself. And this is my best friend. Just about my only friend...

I will tell you, its not easy being the best looking girl at school, and this website is probably one of the only reasons I reside on this Earth today

Localised likes this.
  1. endergaurdian
    im just trying to make you laugh azuno
    Sep 16, 2015
    Stelluna likes this.
  2. Stelluna
    Sep 16, 2015
  3. endergaurdian
    Sep 16, 2015
  4. Stelluna
    Sep 16, 2015
  5. endergaurdian
    im kidding im trying to play wit chu
    Sep 16, 2015
  6. Stelluna
    Sep 16, 2015
  7. endergaurdian
    "And this is my best friend. Just about my only friend..."
    Sep 16, 2015
    Stelluna likes this.
  8. Stelluna
    Sep 16, 2015
  9. endergaurdian
    im joking but im yo friend right?
    Sep 16, 2015
  10. Stelluna
    Sep 16, 2015
  11. endergaurdian
    wa bout me ;_;;_;;_;
    Sep 16, 2015