Oc!: Scheelite - Gemsona AU

by __Black_Cat__

Scheelite Redraw 2.PNG
__Black_Cat__ Hello again!
This is Scheelite, the 5 year old
On Homeworld, she worked as a jester entertaining the nobles and higher class gems. One day after her act was unsuccessful, she was nearly shattered by the noble who hired her in a fit of rage, due to the unfunny act. Luckily, she was rescued when one of the Onyx's jumped in and saved her. The Onyx accidentally shattered the noble, and she was immediately taken to court. Scheelite also randomly got grabbed, because the defense wanted to use her for a witness. After battling it out in court, Onyx was declared Guilty. As Scheelite heard these words, she jumped off of the witness platform, and grabbed Onyx and ran. Suddenly, they ran into this massive battle with some of the rebellion gems, who were attacking the center cluster. Scheelite ran into moonstone (Literally) , and Moonstone instantly realized that she meant no harm. She took the two gems back to Earth, and accepted them into her team.