Rest In Peace, Etika.

by DopeLeafeon470

Today I press F.

I am not pressing F as a joke.
I am not pressing F because I don’t know what other way to say rip.
I’m pressing F because I’m paying my respects to a man with a legendary personality.
A man who was born to entertain.
I didn’t watch many of his videos, but I binged his Undertale videos.
If you ever wanted a decent reaction out of something, he was there.
People said his reactions were fake.
They said he was faking it for the views.
They could be right. Maybe not.
But he wasn’t a corporate robot.
He had feelings.
We all have feelings.
And he has problems.
So do us all.
While I was on my giant Pokécharms hiatus, I had some real issues with my friends, my family, and school.
I planned on committing suicide.
I thought there was no reason to go on.
I thought no one would miss me.
I was wrong.
This shows me that people care about me.
People care about you.
To whoever’s reading this, your absence would cause the world great pain.
We all have a purpose.
Etika had a purpose.
So I press F, not as a memer, not as someone looking for likes or to get #RIPEtika trending on Twitter, but as a member of the internet.
The same internet that gave their respects to a man who acted for a puppet show as a meme.
So with all that being said, F.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Jun 27, 2019
    glennis75 likes this.
  2. PokeStorm
    Ive been there with the suicide thing. But I looked around and learned that even though people may not show it or say it, other people do appreciate and love you for who you are. Its hard sometimes, especially now for me being at work and not being appreciated. But we just have to ppwer through, be strong, and try our best to be optimistic. All we can ask is that you do your best to be the best person you can be. I love all of you out there, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you. Even if yohr not comfortable sharing emotions on Charms, we can work things out.

    @DopeLeafeon470 , thank you for the tribute to our lost friend. May whatever superior being you believe in bless you for your heart.
    Jun 26, 2019