Fairy Tail OC: Ender Eye: Redesigns (Comic)

by SS-I Never

SS-I Never So, jokes aside from the previous page I posted, there is an actual question you guys might've asked.

Did your characters change clothes and hair?

Yes, yes they did. I decided to redesign all of the characters in Ender Eye, because I wasn't proud of my previous designs. And if you don't care, that's fine, I don't expect any of you to. Just thought I should alert you all.

@Crims0n @Dapper_Cat @Gamefreak1996 @Godjacob @Rohan Kishibe @Lil Eliza123 @Platinum_ @Rhabby @Sarah316 @Starry Phantump @Pixilate @Lightless @Nebulix @Pokemon Ranger Kip @Absol_Chiliarch
  1. Grand Master Koop
    Grand Master Koop
    I missed this one
    Aug 14, 2019
    SS-I Never likes this.
  2. Imperfect World
    Imperfect World
    *nosebleed intensifies*
    May 5, 2018
  3. SS-I Never
    Apr 16, 2018
  4. sSoul
    Lol who did this?
    Apr 16, 2018
    Excalibur Queen and SS-I Never like this.
  5. jade421
    Savannah: Says the guy who doesn't know what an undershirt is!

    I love how you draw Savannah, amazing stuff. Though the tag system doesn't seem to work well for whatever dumb reason.
    Apr 11, 2018
    Excalibur Queen and SS-I Never like this.
  6. SS-I Never
    Apr 11, 2018