Our Hero Academy: Prologue Part I

by YourLittleSylvia

YourLittleSylvia When All Might finds three kids falling from a building, he can't help but wonder where their parents are. But when he takes a closer look at them, he quickly sweeps them up and adopts them on the spot. Sylvia and Jack Reviar can't help wondering why All Might adopted them so quickly, but Lucy is more than grateful that someone sees her as more than a "Demon Child". What's the plan?

Cheers rang through the whole city of Chicago. Millennium Park was turned into a large parade that looped around and through the whole city, with the end at Navy Pier, where All Might, the top Hero of the entire world, was scheduled to take off to his next city on his tour.

Sylvia was only seven years old when she met All Might in person. Lucifer, her sister, was only five, and Jack, her older brother, was nine.

May 14th, 2010, their lives were changed completely.

Jack peeked around the corner of the Reviar Alleyway (as they had dubbed it). People were lining up at the sidewalk, watching something amazing that they couldn't dream of looking at. In Chicago, it was strictly against the law to use Quirks at all, even if it's so much as to fly higher to get a better view or use levitation to pick something up that someone dropped. The law in America about Quirks was a very unstable one; All Might didn't need to heed those laws, though, it seemed, due to him having single-handedly saved the world. Sylvia folded her wings close to her back, her chamomile scent spilling out of the alleyway onto the streets. It must've been so nice and relaxing that no one truly took notice of it. Natural Quirk like these that were out of the control of the children to whom they belonged wasn't against the law, but they were still not allowed to fly or use Quirks deliberately.

Lucy flicked her tail, playing with her wings since she had nothing better to do. Sylvia played with her angel wing feathers, which were soft and silky, even irresistible to her. Jack, on the other hand, sighed and turned back to his angel-demon sisters. "It's no good," he said. "The grown-ups are too big. I can't see a thing."

"I could fly," Sylvia suggested.

"Flying's against the law," Jack informed her. "To you and to Lucy. We have to find another way to see what's happening."

Lucy glanced at the building beside her, which had metal stairs that led up to the rooftop. "Rooftop?" she asked.

"But that's dangerous," Sylvia protested. "I'm scared to fall. We're not allowed to fly if we fall, you know."

"Besides, I can't fly, period," Jack said. "But if we want to see, it might be best if we're careful. I think it's okay, only for a little while. We take a peek at what's happening, then come right back down."

"Got it," the sisters said, nodding.

"Jack, you go in the middle. We'll catch you if you fall because we can fly," Sylvia said.

"But flying--"

"We know, but we can't let you fall," Lucy added. "C'mon! Let's go!"

"Okay, Lucy goes first," Jack decided.

The sisters agreed. So, Lucy led Jack and Sylvia up some black, metal, unstable stairs, which connected to platforms, presumably corresponding to the floors of the buildings. It didn't seem like many people climbed the stairs nowadays, and as this was their first time trying a stunt like this, the Reviar siblings weren't very confident that they'd be able to handle it, but decided it was for the best to cure their curiosity.

It wasn't long before the three made it safely to the top. The building was old, but by no means was it unstable. Still, the kids were on guard to make sure that they wouldn't fall, just in case. Sylvia and Lucy peeked over the edge, where they saw people crowded on either side of the road, but nothing on the road itself. They appeared to be waiting.

Jack snapped his fingers. "This is a parade," he told them. "They're waiting for a float or something big that makes them very happy."

"Like All Might?" Lucy asked excitedly.

Jack nodded, grinning widely. "Look, there it is! We're just in time!"

"They've been gathering since morning," Sylvia observed. "Was it all for a little parade?"

The parade wasn't so little, as proven by the large float with the real All Might himself standing right on top, waving to his fans as he turned left and right, wearing his signature uniform and bright smile. People were yelling his name, cheering loudly, throwing things in the air such as flowers and hats in celebration, and he seemed flattered by the attention.

"All Might! No wonder they've been gathering since morning!" Jack pieced together. "All for All Might!"

"Can we give him a gift of some sort?" Sylvia asked Jack.

"We don't have anything to give him--and before I catch you, don't you dare suggest using your Quirk! We don't have bandages to give you when you pull it off!"

Sylvia frowned and glanced down at her delicate, pinkish-pale hands. She knew he was right, though. If she pulled off a flower that she created herself, she would easily begin bleeding endlessly, and unlike with every other aspect of her Quirk, photosynthesis wasn't exactly going to regenerate it.

"I could give him a little of my poison and tell him how to use it as medicine," Lucy suggested quietly.

"I don't think they'd like that," Jack said, pointing at the people. "You already get bullied because of your Quirk. Giving All Might poison isn't going to make it any better."

"Oh..." Lucy mumbled, self-consciously pulling her wings back behind her. "...right..."

"I'll try calling him," Sylvia suggested. Before Jack could make a move to stop her, Sylvia stood up and cupped her hands around her mouth. "ALL MIGHT!" Unfortunately, he didn't seem to hear her over the cheers of the many people. She tried jumping up and down, hoping for greater success. "ALL MIGHT!! ALL MIGHT, UP HERE!! ALL MIGHT!" She moved dangerously close to the ledge. This time, Jack had to make a move to stop her.

"Sylvia, don't get so close!" Jack exclaimed, standing up to try to get her down.

"ALL MIGHT!!" Sylvia didn't listen, struggling against Jack's grip on her arm. It wasn't long before Sylvia's ankle twisted awkwardly and painfully against the cement ledge and soon, the two siblings were leaning precariously over the edge of the building. Lucy tried to hold them up, but the weight proved too heavy for her to handle. The three, small Reviar siblings, only the ages of five, seven, and nine, were soon swan-diving off the roof of the skyscraper. Sylvia's wings were locked at her sides in fear as her eyes were shut completely and Lucy tried to violently slash hers through the air, hoping to get them up a little bit easier. Jack held onto Sylvia for dear life and the children screamed as they fell. They were going to die and they hadn't even found a home!

...all because Sylvia was so careless...

She began counting seconds, wondering when they'd hit the ground. Suddenly, when she had hit five seconds, the falling sensation in her stomach abruptly stopped. Someone was gently cradling her small body. She chanced cracking her eyes open and saw Lucy draped over one of All Might's shoulders, Jack in All Might's other arm, and All Might himself floating in the air, having caught the falling children with a big smile on his face.

"Fear not, kids, because I am here!" All Might announced proudly, sending the crowd roaring with applause.

Sylvia's eyes widened immensely in response. She couldn't bring herself to make a full sentence; she was just ecstatic that All Might of all people had saved her and her family. All Might... a true hero!

Jack sat up outside of Sylvia's field of view (she couldn't tear her gaze from All Might the all mighty) and examined the hero closely. "A-All Might..." he mumbled. "Y-you really saved us?"

"You should know better than to walk around on the rooftops of buildings, even if you have wings," All Might said to the kids. "If you keep doing this, your parents will certainly worry!"

Sylvia snapped out of her dazed state when All Might mentioned their parents. The siblings shared sad glances among their shared cerulean eyes, a trait they all inherited from their mother, before casting their gaze to the ground in shame and emptiness.

"Is something wrong?" All Might asked, his bright smile seeming to fade a little bit.

"S-sorry, All Might," Jack apologized, forcing himself to meet All Might's glowing gaze. "I-it's just that... our parents are dead and we aren't able to go to the foster home system... for some reason. I dunno, maybe because we don't have money? But, uh, either way, we've just kinda been living on the streets."

All Might's breath hitched as he slowly lowered to the ground. The people gathered around the parade began to move away from All Might, not just to make room for him as he landed, but because...


"No one likes you, kid!"

"Get outta here!"

"You should've stayed on that rooftop!"

"Demon child! Demon child!"

"What are they saying?" All Might asked incredulously. "What demon child?"

"Me," Lucy said quietly, sliding off of All Might's shoulder and landing on the ground. Her wings remained locked by her shoulders, tucked in as closely to her body as possible. Her white horns were small, peeking out of her mint-green hair, and her tail was small and fragile, hanging centimeters above the ground. "I'm Chicago's Demon Child."

"Well, isn't that just insulting?" All Might scoffed. "A Quirk is only what you make of it. You can be a Hero even if your Quirk isn't what others would expect." He gently set Jack down on the ground. The white-haired boy quickly gained his balance and turned to glance up at the Hero. All Might then bent down to place Sylvia on the ground, but when Sylvia's right ankle touched the ground, she winced, tripped, and quickly flapped her wings to regain balance. "Are you alright?" All Might asked worriedly.

"I dunno," Sylvia said. "My ankle kinda hurts..."

All Might took Sylvia's hand and picked her up again (much to her protests, because she could fly) and said he didn't want to tire Sylvia's wings out too much. Then, he turned to Lucy and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Young lady, you can be anything you choose to be. Being a Demon Child doesn't have to be a bad thing. If you're a good person, you, too, can be a Hero."

Lucy began to cry and flew up to reach All Might's neck before wrapping her small, scarred arms around it. "T-thank you, All Might! Thank you so much!"

All Might flashed young Jack a grin as well, which he returned. Lucy pulled away so that All Might could pick Jack back up again. "How would you three like to be a family? Have a home once more and learn to become true Heroes?!"

The Reviars all perked up and (almost like birds who were just told they'd get a lifetime supply of bird feed) snapped their heads to look at All Might. "What?" they asked in unison.

"You mean, like adoption?" Jack asked.

"We get a home?" Sylvia asked.

"Will I no longer be called a Demon Child?" Lucy asked (for very, VERY good reason).

All Might grinned at the kids' positive reactions and flew back to his float. "Listen up, citizens!" he announced loudly. "Tonight I declare that these three children will have a home! Jack, Sylvia, and Lucy Reviar are coming back to Japan with me!"

For some reason, the entire crowd of the parade erupted in cheers and congratulations. Lucy, Jack, and Sylvia all exchanged teary gazes and hugs, thanking All Might for saving their lives twice in a single day.

It was only when Sylvia actually got to Japan that she wondered how All Might knew their names in the first place.


May 14th was currently two days ago. Sylvia and Jack were chatting on the airplane to Japan while Lucy sat beside All Might, telling him all the stories she had come up with since she was little (and she still was).

It had been four hours into the flight, but Sylvia and Jack were patient children, a trait typically uncommon of kids, let alone American kids.

"I just realized," Sylvia spoke. "How did All Might know our names? Also, he IS the one adopting us, right? Does that mean we should call him 'Daddy' or something?"

Jack pondered the idea. "I don't know. All Might is a Hero, so he might not be home a whole lot. He could just be fostering us in his house for a little bit."

Sylvia sighed. "Yeah, that's a good point. But still, how'd he know our names?"

Jack glanced at the other side of the aisle in the airplane they were in (since All Might was the Number 1 Hero, they were riding in first-class) at All Might, who chatted away with Lucy about little things. His smile was big and bright and Lucy looked the happiest Sylvia and Jack have ever seen her. She was even brave enough to spread her wings a little bit further and when she laughed, her tail flicked every once in a while. The end of her tail was still soft, of course, as she wasn't flexing it dangerously, meaning she was relaxed and happy; a rare sight for the older siblings.

Sylvia and Jack smiled to each other. "She's really happy here, isn't she?" Jack asked, smiling.

"I think this is super cool," Sylvia said, glancing back at her little sister. "Not only are we being adopted by our number-one idol, we're going to a new place, a new country where Lucy's reputation doesn't exist, we have the opportunity to make new friends, we learn Japanese, we have a home, and all of us have a good shot at a future that was impossible before. What more could we ask for?"

Some answers flashed across Sylvia's mind, but she lost it as quickly as she registered it. It wasn't something for her to question. Life was giving her lemons, sugar, a pitcher, and a citrus juicer, and she wanted to make the best lemonade with life's lemons that she could possibly get.

"I can't believe we only have five more hours until we get to our new home," Sylvia sighed. "I'm kinda tired..."

"All of this happened so fast," Jack said. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll ask All Might--or, uh, Dad--for more soda."

Sylvia nodded and leaned her seat back, curling up in the small space she had and falling fast asleep.

Meanwhile, Jack played with a small, loosely condensed cloud in his hand, poking his finger inside every once in a while, knowing exactly how cold it was supposed to be. He couldn't help pondering the conversation he had with Sylvia. This was too sudden and too coincidental to be... well, a coincidence. All Might just happened to be passing by the Reviar Alleyway and on the spot announced that he was adopting the three. He even knew their names. Despite having told Sylvia to just sleep it off, he couldn't help doubt his own words.

Perhaps he'd talk to his new "dad" when they got home. After they got settled in and comfortable, of course. He didn't want to question joy, but he also didn't want to hand over the rest of his family to the clutches of death. Sure, it was All Might, but...

...one never could be too careful. Besides, he was only a little curious. It wasn't like All Might was evil, right?

Jack shook his head and watched the clouds pass him by outside of the window. Occasionally, he'd try to play with the clouds as they passed with his Quirk, but the plane was too fast for him to really do much with it. It was a sort of training exercise, he supposed, but it didn't make him feel much better about failing to create anything fun when playing with them.

Still, though, he'd try and try again. Who knows? Perhaps as he passed some cloud(s) toward the end of the trip, he could show All Might how awesome his cloud-moving skills are.


All Might, the Number 1 Hero of the entire world, probably rich enough to own a mansion--no, TWO mansions!--and his own secret lair where he becomes the ultimate superhero...

...only has a small neighborhood standard Japanese home in a regular neighborhood?

Despite the strangeness of All Might's choice of living, no one was complaining. A Japanese home was already a luxury they were previously unable to afford, so the Reviars were excited to explore their new humble abode.

It seemed All Might lived in secret, blending in among the citizens (though how could someone miss the big, hulking, muscular symbol of peace in their own neighborhood?), so the kids would have to keep quiet about their dad being All Might--and it appeared Sylvia was right. All Might really was the one adopting them. He said he'd take care of the paperwork while the kids got used to their own three bedrooms.

Sylvia's room was decorated when she walked inside. There were many different kinds of flower patterns painted on the wall, bookshelves lining a whole corner, a pink and white futon decorated with cute floral designs, pre-picked clothes in a closet, toys Sylvia could never have dreamt of before all packed away neatly in the cubbies underneath the hanging clothes (still inside the closet) and a balcony with a beautiful view of the road ahead of them. Sylvia was in awe that her room was personalized almost exactly how she had wanted it. She didn't know how All Might knew all of this was perfect for her (though if anyone took a single whiff and look at her, they'd probably know exactly) before he had even MET her, but she was certainly not complaining or questioning...


"DUDE! Guys, check this out!" Jack exclaimed, running down the steps to usher Sylvia upstairs. Sylvia and Lucy were located on the second floor, while Jack was on the third with All Might, who had the grand bedroom. Sylvia and Lucy left their bedrooms and hurried up the steps to check out Jack's room (Sylvia was shocked at how steep the steps were, but despite tripping a little bit, she didn't complain), which was decked out in sky-patterned walls, a TV with gaming consoles of all sorts of video games the Reviars had admired but never been able to play before, tons of video games (which would only fit in Jack's room because since he was older, he got a bigger bedroom), and of course, lots of personal things he needed and wanted, such as toys, a purple and white futon, and a closet chock full of necessities, plus a bookshelf like Sylvia's with books that he needed to learn.

Sylvia and Lucy brightened up at the sight of the video games. "Wow!" they exclaimed. "These are all yours?!" Sylvia asked.

"Ours," Jack corrected with a big smile. "Dad said these don't fit in your guys's rooms and that he couldn't get a TV to fit in there, so whenever we want some Reviar time, we go up here to share some VGs."

" 'VGs'?" Lucy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Video games."

"Don't do acronyms," Sylvia giggled. "You're cool enough."

Jack scoffed playfully. "Whatever. You guys are just jelly."

"OOH! I call strawberry!" Sylvia exclaimed.

"I'm grape!" Lucy called.

Jack was the last to finish their little game. "Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to be mango jelly!"

"And together we are...!" the siblings announced, pulling their fists together. "THE JELLYARS!"

"Kids! Come on down for dinner!" All Might's voice rang through the house.

The siblings gasped at the prospect of food and hurried down the steps, lining up in age order right in front of All Might. The man was amused at their cute antics and motioned to the kitchen on the second floor.

"Let's eat some Japanese food! I'll begin teaching you kids some mannerisms you should know in Japan!" All Might exclaimed.

"Okay!" the Reviars said, nodding at once.

All Might led the kids to the table. Sylvia sat on a single side where Jack sat to her left and Lucy to her right. All Might was across from her. In front of everyone was a dish Sylvia didn't recognize with spaghetti, cooked vegetables, and what looked to her like chicken all mixed together.

"All right. Now, do you know how to use chopsticks?" All Might asked.

The three children shook their heads.

All Might pulled out a pair of chopsticks and showed the kids how to hold them. That whole time, dinner consisted of struggling with chopsticks, choosing to use forks next, and to dig into their yakisoba and thank All Might for the meal (after saying "itadakimasu," of course, which is something they have to say in Japan before their meal, or else they aren't polite and no one wants that).

Finally, when they figured out how to actually EAT their dinner, the kids began chatting away at the dinner table. It was still hard to believe that only nine hours ago, they had lived on the streets. They began talking about their bedrooms and how much they loved them.

"Mine is big and space-y!" Lucy exclaimed. "I have a lot of books and stuff on animals and space and I love it a lot! It's very nice and warm!"

"Yeah, mine's got all sorts of cloud stuff and books on atmosphere, which I guess is pretty good for my Quirk if I want practice," Jack pointed out.

"Mine's what you'd expect," Sylvia said. "Flowers, angels, and love. It's probably very girly, but I like it."

"What even is 'girly' anyway?" Jack pointed out, smiling. "If you like it, that's good."

"I'm glad you like your bedrooms, kids," All Might said proudly. "I decorated them myself!"

"How'd you know what we'd like?" Sylvia asked in awe. "I mean, it's kinda obvious with me, but... Jack and Lucy? How?"

"Yeah, and how'd you know our names before we told them to you?" Jack added. "You said you'd adopt us right away, but we didn't think you knew us until now."

"Ah, yes! Well, that is a story for another time. I promise I will tell you kids when you're older. For now, enjoy! You have food, shelter, education, clothes, and each other! Nothing could spoil this moment!" All Might said. "So go ahead; indulge!"

The kids did just that, diving into their food as they wanted. When they were done, they clapped their hands together and bowed slightly. "Gochiso-osamadeshita!" they announced, saying that they were done with their meal. Then the kids stood up and waited as All Might picked up their plates.

"Now children," he told them. "Every time you're done with your meals, you must take your silverware and place it in the sink. I'll wash it when I am free. If it doesn't fit in the sink, you can place it on the counter next to it, but be careful not to let anything break."

The kids watched All Might put away their dishes and nodded in understanding.

"All right. Now, kids, get on up to your rooms. I want you to change into clean clothes. You must be tired, so tomorrow, you will each take a bath. Jack, you're first. Then Sylvia, then Lucy."

"Why do I go first?" Jack groaned.

"Because you're a boy," All Might admitted shamelessly. "And you're the oldest; you can be mature about that, right?"

"Mature?" Jack asked.

"To be mature is to act your age. Now, I know you have all had it quite rough these past five, seven? years, but allow me to take care of you without whining and I can take you to the shopping mall tomorrow to get one new toy of each of your choosing!" All Might told them.

The kids instantly bought it and cheered. "Alright!"

"Thank you, All Might!" Sylvia exclaimed.

"Thank you," Jack and Lucy mimicked. Soon, the three little kids ran to their separate rooms.

"Good night," Jack told his sisters as he went up the stairs.

"Night," Sylvia and Lucy told him before walking to their rooms, which were across from each other in the hall. "Good night," Sylvia told Lucy.

"See ya tomorrow," Lucy added with a big smile.

"Yeah," Sylvia nodded, closing her door. She walked over to her folded futon and began to unfold it, setting her blankets correctly and choosing a cute butterfly plushie to sleep with. "See you tomorrow."