Pokemon: Turned up to 11!: Pokemon: Turned up to 11!: Episode 1, Chapter 2: Professors or trees?

by Teal04

Teal04 Whilst searching for answers, he meets Professors Ivy, Oak, Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Fennel, Sycamore and Willow, who explain everything to him about the creature he found in the park.
Previously on Pokemon: Turned up to 11!...
Lincoln was forced to take the family dog Charles to the park so he can go to the toilet. He takes so long, Lincoln tries to find him, but ends up finding a weird stag-like creature. The question is - what is it?...

Everyone stared as we walked across the high street, and who could blame them, seeing as I was riding a weird stag-like creature, with my dog sitting in front of me! I tried to get some answers, but for some reason nobody wanted to answer me. In fact they thought I was some sort of white-haired weirdo! Eventually, I found a weird building. It was the tallest building I'd ever seen, and it had a giant sign with a big, red letter P on it. "Head to that building, horsey!" I said. The stag thing wasn't happy about being called "horsey", and he spat at me like a llama! After we entered the building, (and I had wiped my face clean) we sat down on red cushioned chairs. Half an hour later, a man in a lab coat came in. "Hello, my name is Professor Oak. I'm the head professor at the Royal Woods Pokemon Centre. What's yours?" he said. "Lincoln Loud. The dog is called Charles and the stag-like-waddya-call-it... I don't have the foggiest idea." I replied. I thought "Pokemon? For gosh sakes, speak English, man!" to myself. (I didn't want to get slapped by a professor the same day I met a stag-like creature) "That's Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon. He created this world." Oak said. "Really?" I said. "You mean I've found the creator of the world?" I was amazed. Oak led us to a room full of Professors. "This is Ivy, Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Fennel, Sycamore and Willow." he said, pointing at each of the Professors. "Ivy? ELM? SYCAMORE? What is this an allotment?" I thought. (Like I said, I didn't want to be slapped) Willow said "Follow me and I'll show you the world of Pokemon." She had black dreadlocks with pink highlights, and her lab coat was dyed a brilliant cyan. She looked more like a teenage dirtbag than a professor. I followed her across the corridor and thought "What are Pokemon?" We entered a red and white room with a screen in the middle of the room. I sat down and Willow switched on a projector. A movie popped up on the screen. "Welcome to the world of pocket monsters, or Pokemon. Pokemon can be caught by special Poke Balls. Information about Pokemon can be found in the Pokedex. There is also a special watch called a Poketch." After the movie ended, Willow led me out and I said my goodbyes. When I walked out, I had a Poke Ball with Arceus inside it, a Poketch and a Pokedex. Decided to walk home an say nothing about it to my sisters. But soon, the truth would out!
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