On The Bright Side: OTBS Chapter 9: Answers

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 Nate and Noah find a digital document from someone who goes by a fake alias. Will they trust it, are they indeed doomed? Find out in the next chapter.
Chapter 9: Answers

“Colstroms plan?!” Nate read aloud, astounded at what he saw. I was equally stunned, why was that on Nate’s necklace. “Should we open it?” He asked.

“Uh… yeah, duh.” I say, “I mean, it could tell us everything.” I say, double clicking the file and causing it to open into a document about a page long.

“’Nate and Colorless Noah,’” Nate read aloud. “How do they know you’re here?” He then asked.

“I don’t know, just keep reading,” I urge him.

“K, fine,” he said before restarting,

“’Dear Nate and Colorless Noah,

If you are reading this, Mr. Colstrom is trying to activate his plan of controlling much of human civilization. Both principal’s have developed different ways of doing this. The Colstrom from the colorless world has been injecting the students of the school and slowly everyone on the island with a neurotransmitter linked to a control panel that he carries on him. However, the one from the world you are reading this in has developed a mask that, when put over the face of a bystander, causes them to do whatever is told to them by a registered user. That is their plan and it is up to you and only you to stop it.

Secondly, your necklaces, currently there are four in this plane of existence; the one you are reading this on, the one Colorless Noah is wearing, the one that the Mr. Colstrom in this world has, and the one that the Noah from the colorless world is currently working to get. These necklaces contain more power that either of you realize. Not only can they provide an infinite source of electrical power and store high amounts of data, but they are also the only thing that can be used to hop dimensions, which you, Colorless Noah, did unintentionally.

Finally, and most importantly, you have to have foiled Mr. Colstrom’s plans here before 5:00 Tuesday, just trust me on that, it’s important. That gives you roughly five days. Make sure you’ve done it by then.



He finished talking, but all I could do was stare at the monitor.

“Did that say…?” I started, not knowing what to ask about. Thankfully, I would saved from finishing that sentence by Nate.

Unfortunately, what he said wasn’t very reassuring…

“We’re doomed.”
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