On Stranger Shores

by StellarWind Elsydeon

StellarWind Elsydeon I've been working on this beast since September, and finally finished it a few days ago.

Inspired by the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland - which spiraled into its own thing, complete with alien sky and odd lionfish-seal critters. I actually think the sky is my favorite part of this.

This thing also stubbornly insisted on not getting its picture taken properly - and after numerous attempt, this one basically hit the 'good enough' stage.
  1. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    I love that historical place or artifact whatever you call it I suck at English, I actually did some research on it back when I was in 6th grade. I love how it looks gud job
    Jan 14, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  2. Andrewski
    Definitely one of your best ones yet!
    Jan 14, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  3. AceyPie

    Even though I think the alignment of the stones could be a bit better I am not an art person so yea no right to judge

    Still Absolutely Breathtaking
    Jan 13, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.