Pokémon X Adventures: No one will see me ridin'

by BryceTehTrainer

BryceTehTrainer Bryce gets a bike not just any kind of bike..
Hey guys Bryce is back! "How do you work this thing?!" Bryce said trying to use the drowsing machine "oh well time to speed run to Cylagge City!" Bryce said running "I'm here that was super quick!" Bryce said looking at the city "bike time!" Bryce ran to the Bike Shop "do you got any bikes with 3 wheels?" Bryce asked the Bike Dude "you sure you want the big wheel?" The Bike Dude said looking at Bryces Lilipup eyes "yes I can't ride a normal bike" Bryce said sighing "it's yours due to you being so cute!" The Bike Dude gave the bike away "hahahaha sucka!" Bryce left and the Bike Dude got angry and THEY SEE ME ROLLIN' THEY HATIN' GTA in Pokémon confrimed? Find out next time! (Theme song!) "I'm just a little 11 year old got nothing to do! Might as well defeat Pokémon too! I try hard and hard and find em all! But some are really tall! Oh whoops I dropped the ball! A hat near! Why is there a mat here?!" THE END how many likes for extended theme?! Letsa go for 5!
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  1. BryceTehTrainer
    "I woke up one day! Wanting to relax hey! I went and grabbed my glasses to go out of my room! Knowing that I had to do my work soon! I stumbled upon my 2ds and looked at it! Well I'm gonna look for a place to sit! After a while of playing Mario I got bored! I might as well look out a window while I'm the lord!(of my imagination) well.. I'm just a little 11 year old got nothing to do! Might as well defeat Pokémon too! I try hard and hard and find em all! But some are really tall! Whoops I dropped my ball! A hat near! Why is there a mat here?!" I'll add more later
    Dec 17, 2015
  2. BryceTehTrainer
    Ok I'm gonna make the full theme song now
    Dec 17, 2015