Naruto: Chunin Exams: Naruto AU- King Katsuo

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon One of four bizzare creations created by Absurd to mock, fight, and drive opponent’s insane. King Katsuo represents the king of diamonds, meant to mock Katsuo (…)

Attacking in unorthodox methods such as firing beams from his eyes, using grotesque tendrils coming from his back, and causing the earth to rip apart after slamming his lower body into the ground.

He is from our naruto RP:…

Katsuo is owned by- @Mystic Zander
King Katsuo is owned by- @Shen: King of the Mist
  1. DarkHydraT
    He got ripped, and is probably the only guy who is not happy about being ripped
    Jul 12, 2020