My views on FFVII...

by MorganFae

MorganFae (Spoiler warning for seven and 9...)
I'm going to get crap for this...ok triggered fanboys fire away...I played final fantasy 1-15 and 24 of the many spin offs so I know what I'm saying....let me be brutally honest....I f****** hate final fantasy 7....before you torch my ass hear me out...when it was released in the 90's it was cool it was new and innovative....that was in the 90''s 2018....if that were released now it would have been disregarded by critics as rubbish and old-school...another point is its story...GOD WHAT IS THE DAMN STORY!!! It's more confusing than cloud is a JANOVA breed like sephiroth but not like-.....WTF IS CLOUD!?...and I swear I am the only gamer who didn't cry at aerith's death....for me 9 was waaaaaay better...9 is my favourate game of all time...from the music, to the playwright like atmosphere to the little in jokes about real plays like A midsummer night's dream and Romeo and Juliette....and I literally cried enough to fill a small fish bowl when freya lost her village! The point is In the 90's seven was's just a confusing mess with okay gameplay mechanics and wierd plot points...
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