My Pokemon toys

by Kaben and Madeleine

Kaben and Madeleine Theses are some of my Pokemon that I got at a garage sale
Leeon, Swaggering Kid and IndigoStar like this.
  1. Swaggering Kid
    Swaggering Kid
    Lol what's up with Lati_s's mouth?
    Jul 3, 2016
  2. Swaggering Kid
    Swaggering Kid
    I too have a Zorua! I also have Sewaddle, Magcargo, Gible, Minccino and Zekrom.
    Jul 3, 2016
  3. IndigoStar
    Little zorua :love:
    man...that mega latios was the best thing who happens for travels in the sky and groundon is good in a balanced battle team with kyogre
    May 26, 2016
  4. Kaben and Madeleine
    Kaben and Madeleine
    Thank and I don't know if its latias or latios
    May 14, 2016
  5. Onebrickyboi
    May 14, 2016